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BBC Contest 68



I find it ironic that not only have I created some mechs, but I've already sent one to BrickFair! I would almost argue that it's valid, because even though it's been on the front page for three different convention photo steams, I haven't actually posted any finalized pictures of it on the forum. (But as it stands, I DID post WIP pictures in my blog, so it doesn't qualify.) Just thought it was kinda funny how that worked out. And I probably won't be able to enter because most of my Bionicle pieces and I are in a long distance relationship. (Read: I haven't actually brought them over to my apartment yet.) So sorry folks, there'll be no lousy throw-away entry to lose to your model from me.


Also it appears that Randall Munroe must be a big Animorphs fan. He's thrown in a few references to the series before, but yeah, guess I'm not the only still remember this great story. (I guess for reference, when Animorphs ended, I got hooked on Bionicle.)


Also spent my last two days off primarily playing LEGO LotR. Some would say that's two days completely gone to waste. But I'd remind them that I did manage to defeat Sauron, although I just have half of the actual game play completed. (This game is quite long, isn't it?)




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I loved that xkcd Animorphs comic. Animorphs was my first real fandom experience, the first media I obsessively looked up stories and art for online.

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I enjoyed Animorphs, though many of the pop culture references flew right over my head and I didn't follow it as closely as many people. No telling how many books I might have missed reading.

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Animorphs is such doofy YA fiction. I loved it. I wish I still had my books. I think all I have now is the Megamorphs series and the "_____" Chronicles series.

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