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An Unlikely Sequel



Gosh, I had this excellent idea for a sequel for one of my stories, and now I can't get it out of my head! The stories and characters just keep expanding in my head, allowing me to create new character dynamics while also retaining some of my originals and stuff and I'm kind of really excited for it.


The problem is... the original isn't finished.


And like, this is a story that I've been working on since... well, let's say 2000. The basic premise for it developed back then, and I didn't start typing it out until 2003, and it got expanded upon so much that it was one of my longer in-progress stories ever... until I lost most of it when my laptop was stolen in 2007. In 2009, I started the haunting task of rewriting it (to remove inconsistencies, and generally improve the writing.) I've had periods where I've worked on it ever since, but the last time I typed it up was last summer, and I haven't had time to progress on it since. And I'm only 80% finished with my rewrite of the original, which had only begun to reach the climax. I have the ideas of where I want it to go and the directions I want my characters to develop in, but I just haven't had the time and/or inspiration to sit down and type it out. (Having a job does that to you, I guess.)


TL/DR, I'm nowhere near to finishing this story even though I've been working on it for a long time.


So I should focus my efforts on the original and not the sequel (especially since I haven't worked on ANY of my stories since last summer) BUT instead I find myself jotting down plot points for the sequel. GAH.


In other news, I FINALLY got my LEGO Movie discs in. *grumbles about stupid amazon for delaying my order* And I guess it turns out if you want to watch the blu-ray movie, you need an actual blu-ray player, which my computer is apparently now. I got the EVERYTHING IS AWESOME set, so it also comes with the DVD, so I could watch that, but this DVD doesn't contain any of the special features, which I was looking forward to. (Okay, it does have commentary, but while I generally like watching a movie with commentary [see LotR] I was not overly impressed. The directors pointed out a few interesting bits, but mostly it was the voice actors just messing around.) Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to finally have it on a media where I can go frame-by-frame to catch back-ground things. But still kinda peeved that I can't enjoy the extra features yet. (Oh, or the 3D version, which I guess I need a 3D TV for.) But the young Vitruvius is great. (Yeah, so the cape isn't 100% movie accurate... it's still cool, get over yourselves.)




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I had this excellent idea for a sequel... The problem is... the original isn't finished.



That's okay, Hollywood is always greenlighting sequels before the movie releases. So you're in good company!


And I guess it turns out if you want to watch the blu-ray movie, you need an actual blu-ray player...



Well... yes. Yes you do. :P Is there something that made you think your computer was Blu-Ray capable? Like does it have a Blu-Ray drive? Also have you tried the digital copy code? Sometimes Vudu will give you at least some of the bonus features that came with the disc. You can probably check on their website.

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Hindsight is 20/20? :P Yeah, I realize I didn't really think it thru that much when I got it. I also thought I'd have access to a Blu-ray player when I initially order it... but I currently don't.



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Just write the sequel and summarize all the boring plot points that no one cares about anyway. If you think the sequel is more interesting, so will we, likely as not. 

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