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Summer and Beyond



Daaaaang it's August already time moves faaaaast


It's been mostly radio silence here in blogland recently, so I'm well overdue on filling folks in on life/plans/vidjamagaems/etc.


Life: I've... actually been kind of active on BZP this summer! No new fics, true, but I've been having a good time in the BZPRPG, and of course there's been the 2015 stuff to deal with. Chalk this up to my actually having the summer off.


...Unfortunately (fortunately?) said mostly-free-summer is solely due to the fact that a week from today (Friday) I'm taking off for the West Coast, for good this time! I'll be starting work full-time out there in a few weeks, so much of this summer has been spent working out apartment stuff, moving issues, insurance (lemme tell you, nobody ever realizes how much insurance you have to deal with until they actually go independent), all sorts of stuff. That's eaten up a lot of time, and eaten into various projects I would've liked to have worked on.


But it is pretty dang exciting! I'll be living on my own, working full-time, attempting to be a Repsonsible Adult. And in the meantime, I've been saying goodbye (for now) to a lot of friends and places. Wisconsin, I'm gonna miss you.


Plans: Now the result of all the above is that I will be mostly MIA from BZP from next week Friday (the 15th) through the following week and maybe a bit beyond. The actual road trip part of things should only run through Tuesday, but given I start work the Monday after, that's not a lot of time to get settled into my apartment. I'll try to be around, but life takes priority.


Immediately after that of course I actually start said job, and so I'll probably be a bit frazzled for the first month or so. Assuming things quiet down after that, you can expect me to be around in the evenings and maybe mornings from there on out - but 9 to 5(ish) is work.


There is one particular BZP thing I wanted to get done this summer that I didn't really make any progress on, and it's still sitting there in the sidebar taunting me. I don't know how exactly Journey will turn out, but I'd still like to finish it someday. Considering I got about half through with the last NaNoWriMo, maybe this year I'll push on to the end.


But here's a plan that might be of more interest to folks: I'll be streaming Smash 3DS when it releases in Japan next month! I have a Japanese 3DS with capture card for my work on another site, so I'll be putting that to good use. More details to come!


Vidjamagaems: Well, vidjamagaem, singular. This summer in my down time I've been playing through the Persona 2 duology. They're my first Persona games, and while they've got some issues, they're still pretty good. I am very, very tempted to switch from Apollo (Justice, not the Persona) to Maya (Amano, not the spirit medium) in all my various internet avatars.


Beyond that - nope, not much this summer. On to other stuff!


Etc.: Uhhhhh dang this is a category huh.


Alright, here's something:


It's been a pretty seismic month or two here at BZP, huh? And it might very well get even louder before the year's up. It's been heartening to see - but it's also brought a few old ugly points back into the light. (And exacerbated a few new ones.)


Regardless of what happens from here on out, I want BZP to stay a positive, welcoming place (or make it that way for those of you who don't feel it is already.)




...And this is the bit where I realize I don't really have a good way to wrap all this up. Which is fine! You know how your teachers always said you need to have a strong conclusion? Nuts to that. True blogging needs no rules.


Oh, wait, one last thing! Due to some kind of bug, the quotation marks, apostrophes, and dashes on several of my stories vanished. They should be fixed now, but if you ever notice the same happening to you, comment in the Tracker issue!


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Nope.  We're coming in from the east (Wisconsin's that-a-way, after all.)  I'll get down there at some point though, if only to give Micah a noogie or two.

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Well I knew it wasn't really on the way, but I mean, a small diversion could have worked. You had better come down to visit! Seattle isn't very far, after all! And Micah needs more noogies.

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