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It's Official!

Roa McToa


I am officially a violinmaker as of today! I sold my violin that I posted in this blog for $4,000! I am so stoked, as it is my first ever sale of one of my own instruments! I can now pay off my bills! HOORAH!!! This, on top of meeting a interesting guy back at home, things just seem to be turning my way lately!


Click Here for the blog entry about the violin


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Congrats, Roa! I always found violin making interesting. Instrument making period is interesting. I always wanted to build my own guitar, but that's a lot of money to put into parts... Congrats on meeting someone as well... It's good to see someone who has things going for them...

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Ah, I am jealous, to actually enjoy your job and take pride in your work would be wonderful. 4 grand huh, thats good money for sure and hopefully you will have some left over for LEGO Bricks!


Glad to see all is well in your world.

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Wow, that's so awesome! You've been dreaming of this, and now it's actually happened. I'm so happy for you! :bigsmile:



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Whoa, I would pay four thousand dollars for a violin made by Roa McToa! ... If I had money, that is... :P That's good for you! Now, go pay those bills!
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Partyparty! Theres even a gigiantic pizza coming up to my house tonight! My friend is coming over to help me fix my 89 Suburban, because the front end needs work. I have a parts truck I scored for $150, and we have been changing over parts since I got it last fall!


I am so excited that things are finally happening! I feel like my life is beginning to get on track, and I can finally save up some money and set up my shop at home! :) Yayness I say!!!!


:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

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That's awsome!


Is this like an official job or something?





Go,go,go,go,go,go Roa!It cha birthday!


We gonna party like it cha birthday!


And congratultions on your sellin!


Youll find her in the Bzp


She's in the world makin violins and Bionicle stuff!


So give her cheers!

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