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Tired All The Time



I can't say my life is bad, since I've managed to secure a bunch of the essentials: a college education, a regular job that actually pays for something that I'm fairly good at doing (but don't ask me to explain it), an apartment that is mildly tolerable even without air conditioning, and enough money that I can buy Lego without an overbearing sense of budgetary guilt.


But as of late, it's seemed very... basic. Work has been interesting, but I'm usually quite burned out by the end of the day, and usually resort to napping or watching shows. I've done a little bit of building, but not as much as I would like. And despite all the great plotlines in my head, I haven't touched any of my stories since last November. Oh, and no social life to speak of. At all. Mostly, it just comes down to me not having the energy to do it after a full day of work.


I've always been under the assupmtion that I've lazy. A procrastinator. Unmotivated. An ungrateful leech. (Or so I've been told.) How else could my lakc of drive towards school and socialization and such be explained?


Unless it turns out I have sleep apnea. In which case when I try to get a full night's sleep I don't... and instead I'm tired all day. And don't have energy for non essential things. Like friends. Or stories. Or game ideas that I've had for years. Or for exersise at that gym where I'm totally paying each month for membership but hardly going to. Arg.


I kinda-sorta have plans to go get tested for it, but just getting that takes up so much energy! <_< But if that's not the problem then something else must be reeeeeally messed up with my outlook of life. And my only other solution is to just keep buying new Lego sets to ease the pain away...


Tl/DR I'm complaining about life. Want to take a nap now.



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If you think it's a problem, by all means go get tested. 


Still, I think it might be normal. If you're doing something less desirable (that is, work) all day, your brain actually pulls sugar out of your bloodstream, making you more tired and irritable. And since you're all out on your own now, your brain is working overtime once you get home too, reminding you of all the things that you have to do to keep your apartment up, all the things you want to do (which is now a lot more now that your options aren't artificially limited by parents), and so your brain keeps draining your energy more. (It happened to me too in my first year of college - it's not just the scientists who believe this stuff. :) )


Most people find it somewhat hard to believe that their brains actually use energy. The solution is to eat more sugar. :P It won't really make you fat, because your brain is actually using it, just like your arm does. The second part is to stop believing that you're too tired to do stuff and actually do it. :shrugs: But I'd try the sugar first.

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I already consume an unhealthy amount of sugar, and of the two potential outcomes you've listed, it's not the energy one I'm getting out of it.  :P


The "mind over matter" thing is a great way to cycle back to it all being the fault of the user.  Because clearly I wouldn't have tried that out yet.  :rolleyes:



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