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Another Novel Snippet...

Raging Land Squid


Elek Nosliw is the top mercenary in the land of Mageddon, his name known and feared across the massive world-continent. Though dark magics hadn't been seen in th land for a millenium, Stories of Elek's abilities are terrifying the public and Royalty of Mageddon. Here's a little section of the story that show's off his greatest power.


Here it is:


His horse had stopped dead in its tracks, several men in uniform blocking the path ahead. Elek pulled several spells to the front of his mind, ready for any sign of aggression. One of the men, one Elek presumed was the lead of this group, stepped forward and gave the hand sign that showed he was from the Kingdom of Gamandhal. Elek signed back with the hand gesture of the lowlands, and the lead man sneered at him through his thick beard.


“What Business have you here?” The other men stepped forward after the exchange of hand signals, and at the lead man’s question Elek had dropped from his saddle, giving a low bow.


“I, sir, have come to offer my services to the king.”


“Such as?” The soldiers behind the bearded man reached for their swords, ready for a signal from their leader to attack.


“Oh, I have many talents,” began Elek, “For one, I’m a magician.”


“Who isn’t in this day and age?” The bearded man took a few more steps forward, but stopped when Elek pointed a crooked finger at him.


“Yes, good sire, you have a point. But, I am a magician for entertainment! I am here to humor the king. Why, I could show you one of my tricks right now!” The bearded man reached for his sword as Elek reached into the pocket of his long, black coat, but he relaxed when the only thing the showman issued forth was a deck of cards.


“Now, watch, as I make this deck of card disappear.” The soldiers looked on, unimpressed, as Elek made the cards fly through the air and land in his other hand. He said a few arcane words, and twisted his other hand in a spell-caster’s fashion. The bearded man scratched his head, unfamiliar with this particular type of magic. As Elek finished the last word, there was a bright flash, and the soldiers all applauded at finding that the cards were indeed gone.


Their applause stopped, however, when their commander began to gag, and then fell over. To their horror, the cards were sticking from the man’s chest and throat, bleeding him dry in seconds. They pulled their swords from their scabbards and charged, but Elek had taken the opportunity to remove a glove from his right hand and draw his own sword, a massive blade in the shape of a seven.


He parried the first man’s attack and smacked him across the face with his bare hand. The offending soldier screamed in agony as his face began to decay and melt. His blood clotted and poured out of his body through the wound in his face that had quickly spread, the affliction flowing across his body. Screams quickly turned to gurgling as the man’s bodily fluids poured from his every orifice. In mere seconds the once proud soldier had turned to a puddle of puss and bile, and then quickly turned to dust. The other soldiers quickly halted their approach. They began to back away, then started a full on run.


Elek has got to be my favorite character I've ever created. He's just so... awesome! This is actuall a rough copy of a section from chapter one... Enjoy!


Recommended Comments

Hmm, he sounds like a nasty fellow to anger. Every story needs a character like him. I might post my 'nasty to anger' character some time. :)



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