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Approaching the First Conclusion

Almost a month later, I've moved forward several chapters, and I'm even more excited at this point. The finale of the first book is in sight, and I think I only need two or three more chapters before diving into the conclusion, which itself may span another two or three chapters. I'm leaning towards two, though, as I'm writing in a slightly different style.


What style? As you'll notice right away from the beginning of the story once it's posted in December, I write about events first and things second. Action is prioritized over subjects, but I don't mean I ignore beautiful descriptions and character moments. I simply merge them so closely and have written the plot so that action is constantly pushing the description and the character progressions. It's the most fast-paced story I've ever written, and it only starts to really slow down after ten or eleven chapters. Pretty crazy. :P


I also wanted to share that I solved a plot hole that had been looming for a few months now. I wanted this to happen, but it didn't make sense with that. Then on a walk home I just got to thinking and envisioned a tiny part of a scene I had planned, and realized the solution was staring me in the face. The solution was actually the solution to another problem in the story, and I realized it could act as two solutions in one. Actually brought a grin to my face as I felt everything clicking together. It's a great feeling.


Once again, I'm very excited to present my newest story to you. I aim to finish the raw writing by end of October, and spend November revising and tightening it up. I've decided not to kill myself over details like I did with This World - that really was why I had to give up and end it because I pressured myself too much to make it perfect. It won't be winning awards for lyrical grammar or any such nonsense, but I do hope it is a fun story to read and theorize with as you go along.


Two and a half months left. Here we go.

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