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Is so much work, man. Got forms on forms on forms to fill out, crew members to assemble, roles to cast, and locations to find.


D'you have any idea how friggin' difficult it is to find an apartment to shoot in in New York (when you don't have one)? The apartment itself isn't so much the issue as is the "hey friend, I need to film a movie, can I take over your home for a weekend wherein I redecorate it, bring in 12-15 cast and crew people, and I shoot for 12 hours a day?" Surprisingly, it's a hard sell, even if I offer to cook and clean afterwards.


Harder still is getting much pre-production work done. My Director of Photography needs to know the layout so she can perfect the shot list, my Gaffer needs to know it so he can make a lighting plan (all of which I need to submit asap to be approved to shoot), and we need to know what the bathroom layout is so we can put together our plan for that (also very necessary to be approved). So there's that.


And I'm holding out on my next draft of the script (5th!) until I've got a location so I can adjust accordingly.


My producer did book us a space for auditions, so that's taken care of, but that means we have to comb through the 300-odd submissions I've gotten for my six roles. And we just know that'll be fun.



tl;dr, TMD is making a movie for class and has a lot of logistics to do. He's come a long way from Metru-Nui Adventures.

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I tried to do a basic amateur movie one in high school, and suffice to say it never got past the idea stage. Kuddos to you for getting this far. Hope you can work out the logistics in time!



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