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Double Sets



So because of BrickMaster giving out free sets with each issue, I now have two of the small Aquaraiders, and Thulox. (But I just opened them last night, long story)


Anyway, these are the first double sets I have. I don't normally get doubles, but with these I decided to open them instead of trying to return them. (I'm a MOCer. I figure I'd do this eventually. Plus these have some great pieces. Especially since two AR sets is better than just the one, because of some of the single pieces and just normal pieces: Grills, back fins, the black slope plates in the front, the black chevron in the back, the minifig, the computer screen, the black 2X1 tile, the minifig...)


Let's hope I don't start buying more doubles. (Or tripples like Shine did with Kalmah....)


-CF :usa:


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I usually return them, I have returned "about" every set they have sent me... Though you are a MOCer and I am not. I have only gotten one double and that was because it was 3 bucks!
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I just realized I have about 14 doubles (2 of 7) masks, as well as 3 Trans. Kaukau and 5 copper Huna. But I got these for MOCing purposes. So I guess doubles aren't too bad. (Plus these were good sets)


um, Tahulo, that's a lot. Enjoy!


(But why get doubles, instead of getting a different set?)




Hmm, maybe I can't complain anymore....

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