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A Play of Light



It's here - finally! I feel so weird having just posted the first chapter. Also a little bit of a delightful risk, as I haven't finished revising, but I wanted to stay true to a December launch. Consider it a holiday gift - if you like my story, that is. :P


It's also deeply satisfying knowing that, at last, people will be able to read the entirety of my work from the past year and half. Unlike before, I am not so worried about feedback and constructive criticism. I do value it when it is offered, of course, but I was still growing in huge leaps when I was regularly writing during BIONICLE's original run, so I needed it even more then. Now, I care more about having people enjoy my story and discovering the delights within.


That's why this is a no-pressure review story. Of course, some will want to theorize or comment or ask questions, so there is a review topic. I'm not even sure if we're allowed to NOT have a review topic. :P I'll also be creating a PDF of the final draft for sending to friends and family - if you would like a copy, just let me know.


I believe that's all for now. This blog will be a little less active as I focus on building up the review topic, but I will still use this for broader updates on the Saga as a whole, and the progress of the next book.


Thank you for reading!


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