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BIONICLE 2015 thoughts



Masks are way smaller than I was expecting. Also, what do skull spiders do? Other than make SPIDER NOISES. Tahu has a nice board and according to the packaging his name is Taxy in another language. Pohatu has a nice mask. Reminiscent of both 2001 and 2008 versions. Can not wait to see if this gear piece attachment can be used in other ways, is it compatible with other torsos? So... Who's your fave 2015 Toa?


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Skull spider powers are listed on the BIONICLE web page. The green ones have x-ray vision, the silver ones are fast, and the blue ones are tough (hard to kill).


What happens when they attach to someone's face, though, is still (as far as I know) not known. But it's probably reasonable to assume that they at least take control of the host.

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The gearbox attachment is compatible with pretty much any HF torso beam (from the smallest torso beam used for the Protectors to the largest used in sets like Fire Lord or Black Phantom). And you can conceivably make use of it even without a standard torso beam as well. You'd probably have less luck using it with old Bionicle torsos, but that's more a fault of those torsos and their complex, hard-to-expand shapes than of the gearbox itself.


Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if it even made its way back into some smaller Technic set.

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