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Backround On My Blog Name

Jedi Gali


This is my first blogging experience so my first few entries may not be too great. I love reading and writing so I'll probably spend more time in this section of Bzpower.


IPB Image

The White City

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My blog name comes from The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. Some of you may not know anything thing about the Tower of the Sun, so I decided to share some information with you. A picture is above.

The Tower of the Sun is in the heart of the city of Minas Tirith, which in turn is the heart of the land of Gondor. It was originally called Minas Anor which means 'Tower of the (Setting) Sun'. Its name was later changed to Minas Tirith. Though Osgiliath was the original capital of Gondor, Minas Tirith became the capital of Gondor due to a plague. The city has seven levels and seven gates so it is quite easy to defend. Well, sort of. In the third book of the trilogy, the first gate does get breached.


Well there you go! If you want to give me any blogging tips, I'd be happy to have them!


:kaukau: -JG


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Minas Anor was also named for Anoriath, the brother of Isildur, whom I'm sure we all know. Minas Ithil, Tower of the Moon, was named in honor of the latter, but later was conquered and renamed Minas Morgul, which you ought to know just as well.


Yeah, I haven't read LotR in a long time, and was surprised I could remember that much. Had trouble remembering Rivendell earlier, as with Elrond. The shame... :giveup:


- :vahi:

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Hey, Jedi Gali! Welcome to the world of Premier Members!


I didn't know that about Minas Tirith being renamed. Wow.


Anyways, congrats on starting your blog! :)

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Rambling about pointless things that don't make a single lick of sense is always possible. Blogs are effectively your own personal spam space. You spam about your favorite band, or about the awesomeness that is Star Wars or about magical fairies or whatever.

Is a good time indeed!

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Exactly my point. Spam in blogs=good, provided that it interests your audience. So feel free to spam, but make it funny. Otherwise, only post important stuff.


For examples of the two ends of the spectrum, check out Binky's blog and Etcetere's.


- :vahi:

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People like lots of pictures, illustrations, etc... to keep it interesting while they read. When I read a blog, I like funny stories, jokes, blog titles and stuff like that. I also like stuff I can relate to, but I also like to here how other people spend their time.


You'll do great, Jedi Gali. You're a good writer.





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Thanks guys, for replying to this! Thanks for the advice, addendums, and greetings! I'll be writing more soon...maybe today!


:kaukau: -JG

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