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EM Protagonist Change! Shooting Star Sonia, On the Air!

Pahrak Model ZX


I looked through some old stuff and apparently I’ve had the idea for this fanfic for at least a year now, it’s kinda surreal I can’t believe I actually got to it.


I’ve just begun Shooting Star Sonia, a rewrite of the first Mega Man Star Force game with Sonia/Harp Note as the protagonist instead of Geo/Mega Man. There are a few other things I’m reworking to keep it fresh and not feel like just replaying the game, but you’ll have to wait and see exactly what those might be!


Chapter 1 is dedicated to Sonia and Lyra’s first encounter. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but I get that way about a lot of my stuff, so it’s up, I did my best, tear it apart. :P Most future chapters are going to be “[insert FM-ian Here] Attacks!” so they’ll probably be a little longer than this one; won’t know for sure until I get to them, though. Like I mentioned before, I have 12 chapters on the outline right now, and I’m going to post them as I write them. I can’t promise a regular schedule, but I’ll do my best to make it so you’re not waiting too long between chapters.


Okay, I think that’s all I have to say. I hope you enjoy the story, and I look forward to any feedback you might have for me!

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