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Marvel Fatigue.



In my defense, I admit to having only a casual interest in that franchise to begin with. They've made some dang good movies, but I'm getting tired of them, with a barely perceptible interest in Age of Ultron and Ant Man. Ultron is too dark, methinks, more of the Iron Man 3 type stuff. That's good for one movie, but two is pushing it.


The latter feels like an old concept. Eh. I much prefer older Marvel movies, with three feet of snark for two feet of battle. If I wanted to want a grimdark movie, I'd watch DC. :P


I dislike grimdark movies, because they always strike me as pointless. If your entertainment doesn't actually make you feel better, there's very little point to doing it in the first place.


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Ant-Man is going to be six feet of snark. Paul Rudd is nothing but snark. Snark that somehow never gets older and continues to look like he did in Clueless, but snark nonetheless!

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Iron Man 3 wasn't even really that dark, though... I mean, every time it seemed like it would hit the tonality of the first two, there was some moment to lighten things up. If any movie was really dark, it was Captain America 2, and that's easily the best MCU movie of the lot.


I personally think Ultron won't be as edgy as people think, but honestly, the best part of the MCU is the fact that it can do so many different genres and movie types and they can all be awesome.


(also, as always, I will reiterate my crusade to eliminate the term "grimdark" from the vernacular because it's soooooooo stupid)

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I personally think Ultron won't be as edgy as people think,


It seems all the Marvel movies follow a pattern where the trailers make them look really grimdark, but the movies themselves keep it on the light side (as they should- grimdark doesn't really have a place in movies where characters dress up in such cheesy costumes). Ultron will contain just as much humor as the other movies I'm sure.


That said, I started suffering from Marvel fatigue about the time Thor came out. But I was never a fan of comic book movies anyway, so short of making a movie that's a complete genre deconstruction there's really no way I was ever going to be satisfied. I did like Guardians, though, for it's self mocking humor.

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I doubt I'll get tired of them anytime soon, but I've always liked Marvel.


And I've pretty much always thought that Marvel is better with tone then DC. 


And I'd like to point out that I believe there is an immense amount of things to be gained from storytelling outside of entertainment,  so I don't think dark stories are pointless.


Personally, I think it's more pointless if it doesn't make you think.

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Ant-Man is going to be six feet of snark. Paul Rudd is nothing but snark. Snark that somehow never gets older and continues to look like he did in Clueless, but snark nonetheless!

Truth. I shall wait and see whether that snark has a point, or if it is going to be "OOPS I'M TINY AND WOW A GIANT TRAIN". :P


*timidly raises fail sign to the latter*


Iron Man 3 wasn't even really that dark, though... I mean, every time it seemed like it would hit the tonality of the first two, there was some moment to lighten things up. If any movie was really dark, it was Captain America 2, and that's easily the best MCU movie of the lot.

You'll get no argument from me on Captain America, but I still think Iron Man 3 was of darker tone than Cap. Probably because I expected the Captain America movie to be gritty, but the Iron Man one to be snarky. Also of note is how TS experiences so much depression and personal loss in IM 3, while Cap is able to fight against disaster and try to overcome the losses that occur before the flim even starts. Stark starts at the top and goes down; Cap starts at the bottom and goes up.


And I'd like to point out that I believe there is an immense amount of things to be gained from storytelling outside of entertainment,  so I don't think dark stories are pointless.


Personally, I think it's more pointless if it doesn't make you think.

I knew that somebody was going to say this. 


But sometimes it's better if they actually say it, then if I say it first. 


There is such a thing is a comedy where the jokes have no point. 


It is stupid. 


And I hate it. 


On the other end of the spectrum, you have Hamlet, which is completely tragic, for no reason. 


I hate that too. 


Yes, your story must have a point. And I must be able to get that point, with a little thought. But I always think that stories need to have fun in them too, even if it is one snarky character or a small glimmer of hope. Otherwise, whatever point you try to make tends to enforce the idea that their is no hope. And if there is no hope, why should I care about your theme? Gotta have at least a small dose of positivity in there somewhere. 


It's probably a taste thing as far as moi is concerned. 

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