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10 Years of BZPower

Jedi Master J.


Hey, BZPers. This is a bit late, but yesterday was my tenth year anniversary of being BZPower and well, since it is milestone, I thought I would do something special for the day.


Now originally I was planning on maybe doing a contest for this milestone. But since I am going to BrickFair VA this year, I thought it would be a better idea to play things a bit more safe. So what did I do instead then?


Well, I purchased this a bit earlier in the month and I thought I should share this piece of history with everyone. I should note the VHS tape have nothing of value as it was nothing but static and weird noises (If it did have anything of value, I was planning on giving the footage to BZP.).


So yeah, here's the scanned copy of the two books: BIONICLE - Style Guide (Note: You will have download this one as its too big to show up on Google Docs) & BIONICLE - Synopsis.


There was also two CDs in the Style Guide binder, although as far as I can tell there is nothing in them that binder doesn't already shown. The CDs are basically just a digital version of the Style Guide (But well, it is not in format that I think I can share with others easily unfortunately.).


The CDs do give me access to images reference in the Style Guide's Gallery, so if you want me to upload those somewhere for you folks, just let me know.


Oh, and the Market Material section in Style Guide was empty and I guessing it was taken out by LEGO maybe. Most of Style Guide has the stuff that we already knew about 2001 thru 2003. There are some errors here and there such as some Kanohi Nuva Mask descriptions being next to wrong images and it uses what I assume was prototype name for Mask of Light at the time.


As for BIONICLE - Synopsis, one interesting thing about that document is that it shows Greg's version of Shadow Toa defeat (I am not sure if he wrote that document though.), which I think is sort of new as that version of defeat was only mention in a guide book before as Cathy Hapka did not use that idea and chose the "switching opponent" method instead.


That's all I think that's worth mentioning. I hope you folks like it. And thank you BZPower for ten years of great memories. Here's to ten more years. XD


Alright, that's enough from me for today. Talk to you later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2015

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Wow, these are fantastic. I'm really glad to see these, as a collector of rare Bionicle oddities myself. I noticed something interesting in Bionicle - Synopsis; pages 10 and 11 have the Bohrok-Kal symbols as backgrounds, but it's just the beginning of the 2002 story. Odd


And of course, congrats on ten years!


(And apparently Tahu has a "fire axe").



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Thanks so much for this! Shame about the VHS getting corrupted somehow, though, that would've been really cool to see.

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