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SDCC Exclusives



The funny thing is I didn't go to the event at all! In fact, the entire time I was in my office at work because, y'know, weekend shift and all.




So these are the two SDCC Exclusives I was able to get ahold of. Sam Wilson Captain America was actually a win from Lego's Twitter raffle, which was very cool! (Like yeah, I tried reporting more on that for a reason.) I wasn't the only winner... I think they gave out 10 each of the figs and the masks over Twitter, but still a little mind boggling that I won.


The Skull Scorpio mask was bought off ebay for like $35. Which is I guess relatively cheap, but that's the most I've ever paid for a Bionicle mask. (Previous high was $25 for trans light blue Kaukau.) The Skull design is okay, although it would've been nicer to have one of the Toa's mask instead. (Mask of Jungle, anyone??) Still, looks rad under a black light, so I need to make a decent TNG MOC to use this one on.




Cap Sam Wilson is super detailed, with great printing on the front and back. And those legs aren't just printed red; they're two toned, so the entire lower leg is red, even on the back. I wonder if they'll put that level of detail into future mass production figs. He doesn't have his wings, but I did buy the regular Falcon, so they can swap out and Cap Sam Wilson can take to the skies. Overall, a highly detailed fig and a great example of an exclusive (AKA one you can live without but gosh it does look really cool in hand.)


Okay, I'm done with my bragging. (Although I guess winning also caused the Lego twitter to start following my twitter account... which, to be fair, has primarily been used on Lego contests in the last year. I did post a ton of picts for the Bionicle mask hunt.)



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