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Giveaway Ended



Since few people read or watch my reviews, this might be a surprise, but I was doing a giveaway of some of the collectible series 14 monster minifigures in my last review. You just had to leave a comment on the youtube vid. Well only 18 comments, and I'm planning to give out 7 figs, so that's good chances... if people respond to me. :sly:


Even when I do get the responses, it might be a while before I ship them out, because I'm in the process of moving again this month. (My rent went up 18%, whereas my income... well it was more like 0.5%. Suffice to say, I cannot afford my current location.) That means cleaning and packing and, worst of all, SORTING my collection that is currently spread across my living room floor. :glare:


But first, BrickCon this weekend. Hope to see a bunch of ya there.

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