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Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China - Year in Gaming Part 7



I must admit that this isn't quite what I had in mind when I joined the chorus requesting that the Assassin's Creed franchise go east. Nonetheless, they did listen, and so I felt compelled to give Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China a try.


I'm not sure that I've played a game quite like this before, and maybe that's why I found it more than a little challenging at times. It has a heavy reliance on stealth and combat is not something you (or at least I) excel at, which means it was quite the turnaround from where the series has been going in the main series. It took me a while to get used to, and by the end I still don't feel as if I was any good at the combat. The necessity to be as stealthy as possible really makes you have to think about your actions before executing them, which I did generally like. I just messed up quite a lot haha.


My problem with the story is... was there one? I feel like we got more characterization and story out of Embers for Shau than here. It was just brief moments of dialogue in-between levels about getting revenge on those who destroyed the Brotherhood in China, which you do... Yay I guess.


Overall this was a neat game, but not one I think I'd recommend for casual fans. It was pretty difficult and just didn't feel important to play at all. I'll still probably be getting the India and Russia variations when they come out though, being the completionist that I am.


Still debating on how much more I want to cover in this series. There doesn't seem to have been much interest in it, which is pretty disappointing. There's really only one more game that I absolutely want to discuss (not just talk in a soapbox..), but there's still a few titles that I finished this year that I could write about.




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I might recommend giving Mark of the Ninja a go if you liked chronicles. I haven't played Chronicles, but it gets compared to MotN a lot and I really, really liked that one.

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Oh yeah this is 100% a Mark of the Ninja game lol. Didn't watch much gameplay for it, but immediately recognized it. So if you liked that game, definitely get these too!


I really didn't like it enough to want to try that one though heh.

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