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Something a bit concerning about G2



I just got the LEGO Catalogue in the mail, and in it, only half of the 2016 Wave One sets are represented.


Pohatu, Tahu, Kopaka & Melum, Umarak, Ketar, and Ikir are the only ones shown in the catalogue. Lewa, Uxar, Onua, Terak, Gali, and Akida are missing.


I'm not sure what this says except I find it worrying for some reason.


Also, apparently Umarak 'Stands over 28cm tall!' and the three toa displayed stand in the area of 21-23cm tall. Sounds like when I bought Umarak the other day, it was a... tall order. B-)


It also makes no mention of the unity feature, and the 'Stand over xxcm tall' is apparently the only attractive thing about constraction figures. Maybe the catalogues are terrible at marketing constraction figures? It does the same for the Star Wars Constraction figures on the next page, which displays three from the first SW Constraction wave and three from the TFA wave.


Also, Umarak is 172 pieces at £14.99. Tahu, same price, but 132 pieces. Pohatu has 90 pieces at £9.99. Ikir has 77 at £6.99. Ketar has 80 at £6.99. Kopaka and Melum? 171 at £19.99. And I've heard that, apparently, Kopaka is along the lines of Pohatu/Gali/Lewa instead of Tahu/Onua, rather bizarrely.


I gotta say, the more I look at the pieces of Unity on Kopaka's shins in the catalogue, the more I like them. They seem to make good shin armour pieces, or at least that's what it seems from the picture. The gold's still really weird.


There's also the fact that Ketar/Uxar/Akida have silver heads. When unified, the Toa unifications are meant to have gold masks, right? Would be nice if Pohatu, Lewa, and Gali had silver masks instead of gold - they'd go better with the Toa's existing colours AND their creature's heads.


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Strange. My country's catalogue has a two-page spread for Tahu, Lewa, Gali, Onua, and their respective creatures. And then one page for Kopaka/Melum and Umarak. Only Pohatu and his buddy are excluded.

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