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Generation 2: Umarak, Onua, Lewa, Terak and Uxar



Got some sets, time for my thoughts.


Umarak: Umarak is tall. Probably the tallest BIONICLE set since Toa Mata Nui. Probably. I'm not actually sure. But he's definitely the tallest in a long while. Bow connects a little weirdly on the right hand, though. Makes it a bit awkward to pose. Also, the trap halves on his shoulders get in the way of 'UNITE' mode with other creatures. (The instructions are calling it 'UNITE' mode, so that's what I'm calling it. Which is disappointing. But then again, Umarak isn't really supposed to combine with the creatures - it's just a bonus.


Uxar: Uxar's pretty neat, as a four-legged... (insect? Lizard?) thing with wings. Its function was a bit of a pain to build, though, as I inserted it the wrong way the first time... his tail lifts up and down to flap the wings. It's a nice function and Uxar has nice colours, but it seems that so far, a recurring problem with the creatures, is that their function gears are exposed from the back.


Terak: The most humanoid of the creatures. Also, has a weird function: pulling a hidden lever on the back raises its arms up. It's got trans purple, and trans purple is THE BEST transparent colour. Although I think I got a messed up Terak, since the add-ons on the claws are gold and transparent clear instead of gold and transparent purple like everyone else's.


Lewa: I was wondering why people disliked Lewa this time around. Then I added the arms. Up until you add the arms, Lewa looked honestly really good. Then you add the arms. They're a little too short and it looks awkward, even in the instructions. I'm not sure if this would fix much, but in terms of arm length I'd swap out the friction extenders on the feet and place them on the lower arms, making his arms look a little bit longer without losing the upper arms that make Lewa more unique. Lewa's mask is much, much better than it was last year. This year it actually resembles the original Miru somewhat! Lewa also looks cool in UNITE Mode, but unlike some sets (TAHU), he looks decent without Uxar. Although if you're going to UNITE Lewa with Uxar, I'd say keep the regular mask since Lewa has no gold and the trans-green of the gold mask is going to be covered up by Uxar's silver head. That's another reason to keep the regular mask: Uxar isn't gold.


Onua: This version of Onua, in my opinion, is a clear improvement over the awkwardly wide Onua we had last year. He's still bulky, but less ridiculously so. He's still got rather wide shoulders (I don't know if they're the widest in the wave, but I'd assume so) and he's dropped most of the silver he had last year, making him look better colour-wise, The purple has also shifted to trans purple, which is great because trans purple is the best trans colour. For me, his lower leg armour add-ons have the same problem as Terak. Also, the hammer is cool. Because it's a drill-shooty-hammer hammer! That's cool. Terak doesn't really do much in UNITE mode for Onua other than cover the trans-purple shoulder armour pieces, and it's meh. He looks decent with or without Terak.


It also seems every Toa has gotten taller this wave. Not sure about Kopaka, though... and yet, Umarak still seems to be taller than all of them. I can't say for certain, but LEGO does say Umarak is 28cm tall. It also says Darth Vader stands 28cm tall, but Darth Vader is a good third taller than Umarak... now I'm confused. Actually, going by images, I'd say 2016 Tahu is taller than Umarak. 2015 Tahu too, probably, now that I think about it... LEGO catalogue and their errors...


Addendum: The new torso also looks to be compatible with the 2015 gearbox. I fully expect one of the Summer sets to have both the hip-gear stuff of this wave and the gearbox of last year. That is, if they don't continue with the UNITE stuff.


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Although I think I got a messed up Terak, since the add-ons on the claws are gold and transparent clear instead of gold and transparent purple like everyone else's.


Nope, it's supposed to be like that. No clue why, but the Earth sets have trans clear addons.

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