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King Shark



I'm not sure if anyone here watches The Flash, but I'm gonna talk about it anyway because I can.



So, that was a pretty sweet episode. The special effects in this episode could be dodgy at times (the house scene), but that ending fight was some of the best work the show has ever done. Also, I'm glad that they dealt with what happened in Earth-2 instead of ignoring it for even more Jaws jokes (seriously, there were at least four separate quotes). It was cool seeing Diggle and Lyla, but they weren't really necessary for the episode to work. Also Wally hates Barry but that's not gonna stick for long. Putting the end scene in extra spoiler tags just to be safe because WHAT JUST HAPPENED.

So, Jay is Zoom but he's also dead but also possibly the guy in the mask. I'm going to assume that Zoom is Hunter Zolomon from Earth-1, Jay is Hunter-2, and the mask guy is the real Jay who was captured by Zoom and Jay (Hunter-2). But I could be completely wrong because this show is confusing and awesome and does whatever it wants.




"We're gonna need a bigger special effects budget."


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