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Why I'm Really Not Here



I'm busy, busy, busy. I shouldn't be online right now. Imaging you are reading this, comment, but tell noone. Or whatever.


Here's what I got going in my life, and why you might be seeing less of me for about three weeks:


-Today, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: School Newspaper until about 6 each day. (I got out early today....)

-Friday night to Sunday @ noon: Boy Sccout Order of the Arrow Ordeal Camping Trip. (I'm going for Brotherhood)

-Homework: In gereral, I have homework to do, and less time because of everythign going on.

-May 25-28: Camping. My troop's Gun Club campout. Shooting .22 cals, .30 cals, shotguns (as skeets!), black powder, archery, big 14 foot fire, rain (it will happen), and I get to shoot at quarters!

----Note, because of this, I have no idea when I'll see Pirates 3

-History Project: Ok, this falls under homework, but it's a big project that's crazy. My group is doing 1950's, so I have to dress for the occasion. If I can get a black leather jacket, I'll be Fonzi. If I can get the right glasses and hair gel, I'll be Elvis. Or I'll just roll a pack of cards up my sleeve. I also think my history teacher is expecting me to slick back my hair. (I'm not going to use grease though)

-Oh, yeah, I'm camping again June 1 and 2.

-Maybe I'll put some sleep in there.


I will be MOCing on May 31st. I'll probably try to watch Eva: Death and Rebirth that day too. That is, if I don't have homework to do.


Yeah, see you guys later.


-CF :usa:


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