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I Can Has More Necromancies?



After my first several months at BZP I stopped being a total newbie and dipped into newbness intermittently, and less frequently as time went on. Nonetheless, there are many more questionably humorous posts that I have dug up I also found evidence that I was around when Ninjo got his first promotion. I feel...cold. *drops apple*

I think either he'll wake up in 2004, or not at all.

Uh-huh. He's going to wake up before he even gets put to sleep.

Hmm, I think the "Kraata" are Rahkshi collecibles and the Jala with throwbot arms is "Jaller". Tufi Pyushi, did you see Graalok the Ash bear?


I wish Greg could answer all this...

Ha, Pyushi. I have no idea if that was intentional or not.

I don't think Jala and Hahli would have a child.

Bionicle is a clean, non-violent storyline, and I doubt Lego would get into stuff that would make people think about Tohunga reproduction.

Mm-hm. Mm-hm.

Nuhvok-Kal's attacking Torhu, I seem to weigh about 4 tons, theoretically if I weighed that much, I couldn't type this..


All these annoying paradoxes.. Hmph.

Uh. Weird.

I don't really want to own Lego, I just wanna be a storyline person like Greg F., but I I ran the company, I'd make a few new themes (LotR, Safari), probably get in trouble 'cause I'm too young to own a business, and put ads for BZP in every Lego magzine issue...


I'd also twist the Bionicle storyline to fit my liking, such as new Toa with new powers, make storyline people explain where the Tohunga and Bahrag came from, when Makuta's gonna get defeated, and then of course I'd leak the info to BZP..

And then of course I'd get my sorry little posterior fired.

I hear KK's valentine is his pet ferret. He got it a new diamond necklace and all. He really likes that ferret. A lot.

I've got a pet rat. (sorry, no necklace for you, my fuzzy..)

If I had a valentine, (I'm 11, kissing still stinks as far as I'm concerned) it would probaly be my Tiki-bird (a cute little Moc) or.. um.. Hapori Tohu...


Ha. Ah-ha. Ha...AHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE I SAID THAT!! For the record, kissing doesn't always stink.


I also made quite a lot of "duh U rnt suposed 2 do that im telling" type posts, only more polite and with better spelling and grammar. Good times...




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Haha... you were stupid. *Looks at his old posts* Um... nevermind.

Those gave me a good laugh.

Do you still have a pet rat? Rats are the best... I need to get a new one. Pezzy May Tricksie Ratty got a tumor(sp?).


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As far as noobishness goes, I wasn't too bad. My punctuation was sub-par, and I occasionally had noobish outbursts, but other than that, I was pretty good.
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