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The Six (rawr)

Dr. Bionicle


Those of you who are BZPRPers, you know that I've been talking about a group known as the Six. I know that a number you have been wishing for background information. So...before they reveal themselves in Le-Metru, let me introduce to you...



The Six ...the first Toa that Zyrul ever transformed (successfully, anyway). All six took under his private teaching, where each seemed to excel in one particular category. These formed the first Elite when The Academy took shape, and were used for all special tasks. When the official Elite were introduced, the Six were first considered figureheads, but then were determined to be on too great of a level for even the Elite, and were made into their own special task force known simply as the Six. The supposed significance behind the Six is their attempt to revive the ancient Toa teams of the past. Each representing one basic element, Zyrul had once hoped for them to be like the Nuva and Inika, a team which he could bend to his own will. However, with the creation of The Academy, the Six were all but forgotten, and Zyrul's attention turned to other things.



Rashnan ... Toa of Fire... Master of the Element: Rashnan has no remarkable history that is known. There have been rumors of his affiliation that range from gang leader to former advisor to one of the *Turaga. Regardless, he was the first Toa to ever be successfully transformed by Toa Metamorphosis. Under Zyrul's training he took particular interest in the concept of elemental power, believing that it is the very essence of a Toa. In such, he trained vigorously to improve his fire abilities, and his mastery of flames is beyond that even of Zyrul's.


Rashnan is the unsaid leader of the Six, his natural take to leadership and essence of authority earning him the position almost instantly. He has his own personal philosophies, most of which are in idolization of Toa Tahu. He views the Fire Toa not as a knight, but as a warlord, and in such pertains to that aspect of his Toa identity. He has drifted away from Zyrul's loyalty, though he still remains by his Master's side, he stays at a distance, not wanting to cross himself with someone who had once promised him greatness and has now pushed him aside.



Tseero ... Toa of Air ... Master of the Arts: Tseero is a newer addition to the Six. He was transformed significantly later than the other Toa, only a few years before the Academy Era. He was not officially a member of the Six until Air Toa Chyanthra, who held the Right Hand position, attempted to betray Zyrul and was killed. Tseero readily accepted the new position offered. Even in his historical tardiness, he was a quick learner, and became Zyrul's personal student in the martial arts of both sword and body. His knowledge ranges from the aggressive strikes of the Hordika to the solid defense of Zyrul's people. He is virtually impervious with a blade, and only Zyrul rivals his skill.


Tseero is still not fully accepted by Rashnan, who saw Tseero's acceptance into the Six as a sign of the end of all hope for the group. Still, he has proved himself time and time again to be a formidable warrior, having saved Rashnan's life on more than one occasion. He is still considered the youngling of the group, and his sole intent is to prove himself to the rest of the Six.



Nysan ... Toa of Stone ... Master of the Body: Nysan was originally a protodermis miner, giving him an uncanny knack for survival, and when he was transformed by Zyrul, that knack was only enhanced. While Nysan was an exceptional student in elements and mask handling, he kept his focus on something he knew he could very easily control: his body. Nysan had speed, agility, and strength difficult to match before the Academy Era, and by the time The Academy came into being, he was indisputed. Even though he keeps his sword on hand and his powers of stone in tune, he does not resist to deliver the first blow with his fist.


Nysan is headstrong, but has a willingness to help that makes him a vital asset to the Six. While his performance is impressive alone, he is nearly impervious when tag teaming with someone else. He has a sort of compassion for Tseero, and works as his sort of personal shield against Rashnan's spite. Nysan is perhaps the most virtuous of all the Six, and even his leader's darkness fails to waver that.



Nuala ... Toa of Water ... Master of the Mind: Found on the streets, she was barely capable of speech when she was transformed. At length, she has become the very brain of the Six, her remarkable ability to compute and figure making her a key asset to planning and battle. She calculates accurately, using minimum effort for maximum results, and she has a sense of timing that makes her impenetrable on the battlefield. There is hardly a situation she cannot find a solution to or at least the odds for, and this gives her the position of authority more than occasionally.


Rashnan has a certain spite of Nuala, who has none in return for him. He at first saw her as a viable threat to his leadership position, but gradually accepted the fact that he must step down periodically to let her take over, even if he does so reluctantly. Nuala's real intent in the Six is to prove to herself that she is the warrior she set out to be, and so far, she has done that more than adequately.



Vorsc ... Toa of Earth ... Master of the Senses: While he is criticized to be the weakest link of the Six, Vorsc is perhaps the one thing that has held them all together over the years. He is a sort of conciliator, carrying a sixth sense which he also holds mastery of, giving him an unsaid ability to predict people's thoughts and actions. He credits his found abilities to his previous occupation as a savage hunter, where he learned to find peace within himself to take in the world around him. There is virtually nothing that Vorsc cannot see coming, whether it comes from above, below, around, or simply out of thin air.


Vorsc is a philosopher of sorts. Several years of silence as a hunter in primitive locations gave him a chance to contemplate, and even as a member of the Six, he remains commonly silent. He only speaks when needed, and when he does speak, it has viable purpose. It is arguable that while Nuala may be the most intelligent of the Six, Vorsc is perhaps the wisest of them all.



Quann ... Toa of Ice ... Master of the Mask: Quann always had an interest in collecting things, and when he realized the full extent of Kanohi power in his transformation, he took to seeking out the other Kanohi. His methods are varying, from the black market to intrepid quests, but his collection is one worthy of envy. Tuned perfectly to each mask, Quann has the rare ability to use two masks at once with no special equipment, and in this, he is a figure to be feared and respected.


Quann is absorbed in power and quantity. Even while he values the Six, he values it for power. His actions are sometimes questionable, and more than once has he gone behind Zyrul's back for a few extra widgets. Even with this weakness, he is still a remarkable warrior with a good perception of logical reasoning that makes him an accepted addition to the Six.




Those are the Six, the likes of which you'll see spring into action eventually at Suva Nui. These characters will be at the forefront for some time, so I'd be wary if I were you. It might not be long before you're sword-to-sword with one of them.




Dr. Bionicle


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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


I prefer these kind of entries over your silly ones. Much more facsinating.


Although I don't play The Academy anymore, (too busy working on The Gate) I really enjoyed reading about these new characters. I particularly liked the Toa of Fire.


If you were ever to make the Academy into a epic or something, it would be great.

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Ooooooh! Goody, goody. New characters. :happydance:


If at all possible, Dr. B, could there be a fight between me and one of them? (We can discuss this over PM or MSN if you want. Your pick. :) )

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Oh boy, more of you characters to be afraid of. :P


This will definitely be interesting to watch.






I'd better get some popcorn...

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Ooooo, schweet. Another BZPRPG related entry. 8D


Hmm. Very interesting. Each one has different traits, skills, and personalities. Cool. Can't wait to see them in action...


...And possibly fight one. :sly:

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Interesting Ice Toa I see here. They look like a very fun/interesting/fantastic bunch of Toa - even if a bit too much like our dear current Toa. Except Quann. He's a refreshing one.





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