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Names I'd give a baby girl: Tyrannosaurus Rex

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: You know, most of us pick out fairly ordinary names for our future children. Perhaps we like to spice it up a little bit and avoid something generic or trending in the Top 100, but generally we don't want to turn too many heads, because we want to give our offspring an easy time in elementary school.


But sometimes there's an odd name that we're endeared to that, something out there. It's that name that breaks all of our rules, where we think "I know I have standards, but that name is just cool!" If you happen to be a little more eccentric than usual on the day that your child is born, and your spouse similarly so, you might actually give your child that name.


For me, most of the good names are the classics, like John, Paul, Mark, Mary, Anne, and Jane. I'm really big into names that sound as generic as possible. But there's one name that I'd seriously consider that bucks that trend.


I would name a girl Tyrannosaurus Rex.


Yes, she would be teased in elementary school, because little kids are immature. But then she'd probably grow to be over six feet tall (I'm tall, and I only date woman my height), and she'd start to intimidate the guys. Kids would go from teasing her to saying her name with reverence. If she joined sports, people would chant her name, and it would strike fear into the hearts of her enemies. She'd walk the halls of high school with confidence, and learn to tell strangers her name without flinching. When Tyrannosaurus Rex gets into the world of adults, people will hear her name and instinctively want to see her in leadership positions.


So yeah. In case future Mrs. Valjean wants something a bit more expressive than Jane, I will bring up this name in all seriousness. Either that — or Beowulf.





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Her nickname could be Rexy (Like Lexy) or simply T Rex or Rex or maybe even Trexy (like Trixy). It's an absolutely beautiful name for a baby girl. It just rolls off the tongue very easily. 


Hopefully she'll get along with my boy Megatron. 



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:kaukau: I was thinking that the proper nickname would be "Sue," which is the name given to the largest T. rex skeleton ever found.


Also, your boy sounds awesome.  Hopefully they'll not only get along, but run to take the White House together.  That would be the most awesome ticket ever.



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Hopefully they'll not only get along, but run to take the White House together.  That would be the most awesome ticket ever.


Megatron/Tyrannosaurus Rex 2052!



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