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Budgeting Apps



Warning: Grown Up Rant/Tirade/Ramble Approaching


I've been keeping a budget via spreadsheet for the last couple years. A basic one where I've money set aside for various categories (food, transport, entertainment, misc, alcohol, bills), note down how much I get in paychecks and put in savings (then categorize what I'm saving up for).


Now, I'm in the market for a good app to do it for me, because I can be lazy with this budget thing. And there are a lot of great budget apps out there, but they're weird. Like some work great, but don't have a spot for you to categorize your spending. Or doesn't have a spot for savings (or categorized savings).


I mean, I suppose I could make it work if I made savings into an expense... But I wanna track over weeks.


Most frustrating thing is, a lot of these expect you to have some sort of stable salary. Which, y'know, I get paid hourly and find gigs where I can. I don't have one of those. So those don't work so well for me.


Pending I find anything, back to the spreadsheets it is. Gotta save up for those Rogue One Legos somehow.



tl;dr: Josh finds budgeting apps woefully inadequate.


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I'm pretty hardcore when it comes to finance (FI/RE type of guy), so I've ended up dropping software. Built custom spreadsheets for budgeting, savings targets (i.e. freelance taxes, insurance premiums, goals--basically categorized savings), retirement/investment projections, etc.


That said, I've heard wonderful things about YNAB. Sounds like it's sort of the pinnacle and should be flexible enough for your needs. Mint is a decent second.


Is your income "regular" enough that you could normalize it against the fluctuations?


Love this kind of stuff.

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See, I don't wanna spend money on it (hence not YNAB). And I'm trying with Mint, but it's a hassle to create custom budget categories. Like restaurants and fast food blur together for me, because I don't go to fast food joints but I do delis and food trucks, which is all part of my general food budget. I just found the online component, so I'm fiddling with that.


And man, no, my income's hardly stable, haha. It's built around weekly paychecks and pay from my last job that's still filtering in.



...dude, when did we get so old?

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