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Designing a Prison



So my RPG group (Well, Sasha/Leesi) wanna do a prison break. So tomorrow we're doing a prison break. And I'm working on the adventure now 'cuz I've had a busy week.


First things first, they gotta get in prison. So during a brief stint on Cato Nemodia, they'll be given a parking ticket. Knowing the group this should spiral nicely out of control.


Now I'm working on a prison. I figure I gotta find weak points for them to exploit, but really, these guys are creative. I think I'll throw in a guy with a prosthetic leg for good measure.


I'm open to ideas/curveballs to throw at my players, btw. I'll let you know how it goes.


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I always thought it was a chump move to give a prison cell only one layer of doors, myself.


I'd put in

-Whatever Star Wars calls forcefields

-Xaeraz's beautiful concept for a guillotine-y iris door

-a solid sheet of metal that has to be straight-up lifted out of place by a Very Large Droid


This Very Large Droid brings in the prisoners' meals, which is nice, because nothing else is designed to be able to climb up and down the 30-foot vertical shafts into which each cell is sunk.


It's not the most efficient concept, but it'll be a hoot for either a daring escape or a delightful TPK.

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Awesome. Rache, I'm totally implementing yours. Droids and forcefields. Also throwing in some GoTG for good measure.


And here are some inmate notes I doodled down on the subway:



Human. Has a prosthetic leg.  Embezzlement. 












Grand theft auto




Armed robbery, led a team:

Dadoy the Devonian, Lun'ge the Aqualish, Ivada the dug, and Tess the Besalisk

These guys make quick enemies of the pcs

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Now, now, be fair. The Gungans had the wisdom to despise a certain regrettable individual at least as much as everyone else does. They did kick him out, after all.


Also, you should totally have at least one inmate in there under non-specific charges of criminal mischief and/or mayhem. Bonus points if they're a Hutt who, through rigorous exercise, manages to have the physical mass of a Hutt and the strength to move that mass quickly enough to be a serious threat in a fight.

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