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okay screw Kingdom Hearts

Pahrak Model ZX


KHUX updated in Japan with new story, and I’m sorry but I’m gonna take up some space with a rant, please forgive me but MY GOSH




One of the things going on now is that a new group of five Foretellers is assembling. Just recently they introduced the character selected to be the fifth, a girl named Strelitzia. Everyone immediately loved her. Granted a big part of it was just because “Hey now we have TEN female characters in Kingdom Hearts and only one-third of them are palette swaps of Kairi”, but that’s a whole nother topic.


Come today’s scenes. The first shows her being, well, adorable. I don’t know how else to put it, the way she acts in the scene was clearly made to seem endearing.


Next scene: she gets murdered.


Okay, first of all—


No no, wait, it gets worse, then we see the guy who presumably killed her showing up with the four already established leaders, and it’s freaking Marluxia.


*lies down for three hours to compose self*


Okay, deep breath…


So, in fewer than five scenes we have:

-New girl introduced in a series sorely lacking girls

-Girl being endeared to us

-Girl being fridged (she was murdered in a dark house what the heck?!)

-Another character from the present day KH canon appearing a billion years in the past, which was a bad idea the first time (granted I’m biased against Ven but still)

-We haven’t seen it yet, but this has to mean Marluxia has a Keyblade. Again: normally I don’t mind when new Keyblade wielders are introduced, the only one that bothered me up until now was Axel and that was because it was a transparent move to keep him relevant so they could milk his popularity. Probably what this is too. At the very least, it’s taking a character who already had their own established powers and weapons and saying “No actually they were secretly a Keyblade-wielder all along and just didn’t use it.”

-What the karz does this mean for the rest of the Organization members whose pasts haven’t already been established? I’ve given up guessing, there’s no way I’m going to be able to predict the nonsense coming.


*rolls around on floor groaning*


Nomura I like you and I always try to give you the benefit of the doubt but my gosh this is just A Bad Idea dude I can’t be reasonable this time.




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personally i think any game that has some degree of canon significance present in every single spinoff is already asking for trouble, but then again ive also never played any so

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It's not just game franchises that have that problem. Why do you think Disney tossed out the Star Wars expanded universe after buying Lucasfilm and green-lighting Episode 7? It's because most of it was pure unadulterated garbage.

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I know I'm overreacting but I'm just severely disappointed.  In a few days I'll settle in being properly jaded with this series and I'll hopefully never go on like this again.

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