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Ah, Shaddup James Cameron!

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: So James Cameron decided to criticize Wonder Woman as being a step back for women. I mean, he did bring up somme legitimate points. You know, she's pretty and likable and whatnot, and I get how that doesn't represent everyone. What gets me is that he specifically starts using it as an opportunity to talk about how he created arguably the best female hero of all time, Sarah Connor.


Don't get me wrong, I completely agree. Sarah Connor is cooler than Wonder Woman. Either she or Ellen Ripley could be considered the greatest female heroes to ever grace the screen, and that's completely thanks to James Cameron. But come on, man! Do you really have to tear others down in order to tute your own horn? I swear, every time a movie gets really successful, I hear an article with James Cameron's opinion on how he did better. Can't you have a little bit of modesty? You make awesome movies! We all know that! But you know who else is awesome? John Williams, and you don't hear the Maestro talking about how much everyone else sucks in comparison to him!


Mixed feelings on Cameron. On one hand, he's made some of my all-time favorite movies. On the other, dang, that ego.


But I'll end on a positive note. Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor are, without a doubt, some of the greatest characters ever. Truly the only thing that could make them more epic is a memorable John Williams theme. Otherwise, I seriously don't know how you could improve upon those characters, because they're so perfect.



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Honestly, this is probably just a stunt so he can promote the Terminator 2 rerelease. No publicity is bad publicity and all that.

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