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Definition of Terrorism

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: People kind of get passionate about this, but for me it's pretty simple. A terrorist is not the same as a murderer or a mass murderer. A terrorist is someone who causes great chaos and disruption in life specifically in order to cause terror. If someone kills a limited number of people (or destroys a building or other such public display of anarchy) in order to make a whole country afraid and panic just enough to go against its best interests, then it's terrorism. It must have the objective of psychologically intimidating a large group of people and provoking social unrest. If terror isn't a part of the motive, then it's just murder (or arson, if we're walking about destroying buildings). It's sort of like hate crimes, which aren't technically worse than normal crimes; it's just that the term hate-crime specifies motive.


I bring this up because people are calling the mass shooter in Las Vegas a terrorist, but I'm going to withhold the term until I know more about his motive, which is currently unknown, since word choice matters to me. However, I don't have an issue with others using the word, since given the scale of the crime, it's highly likely that he did want to instill fear in people and cause social unrest, the objectives of a terrorist. I only make these clarifications just in case I talk about these sorts of things at other people notice my word choice and try to read into it. There's nothing political to interpret about it. Until then, I will refer to him as "murderer" and "an evil man," which are less specific, but express an accurate sentiment.


If this man received any help in accomplishing what he did, I sincerely hope that the FBI can track down whoever assisted him and deliver justice for the people of Las Vegas.


Additionally, don't be afraid to go out in public spaces. If this person is indeed a terrorist, than he wins if you let your fear control you. And even if he didn't specifically want to scare you into locking yourself in home all day, you still shouldn't panic. The world didn't turn into a war-zone. I hate to bring up statistics, but it's very unlikely that you will die in a mass shooting. Worry instead about the everyday things that you worried about before, like getting good grades, or getting a promotion, or asking out that girl you like, or maintaining your diet. The dead should absolutely be mourned; just make sure that you live lives of hope in their wake.




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