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BrickCon 2017



I made it back to BrickCon again this year, having missed it last year. This was the first time I've visited as part of the public since 2008... and I realize just how hard it is to see all the MOCs during public hours. :bigeek: Got to hang out with some old friends and meet some new people from BS01 who were fun to hang out with. (And one kid who talks 100MPH and is really opinionated about Bionicle!) There was a lot of cool stuff on display, although between chatting and going out for lunch, I didn't really get much time to browse through it all. (Alas, the problem with day trips in cities that require 3 hours of driving to get to.)


The Bionicle display was pretty good despite being squeezed down to two tables; saw some impressive designs. Although the star themes were probably Space and Castle (per usual). There was a Dinotopia colab that looked cool (although I was thrown off by seeing a 15 year old show referenced), and also a fairly extensive Nexo Knights display. You can check out some of the photos that I posted on Instagram here and here. (They're even worse than my usual photos, since these are untouched straight from my phone cameras, so quality is lacking. I'm sure you can find more extensive galleries of the event on Flickr.)


The trip was too short for me, but t'was all the time I could afford this year. Maybe in the future I can return to BrickCon for the full event to contribute to the cool displays, hang out with the fun people, and also chill in Seattle. For now, I guess I will just focus on helping make Portland's BricksCascade into just as cool of a convention. :)



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One kid who talks 100MPH and is really opinionated about Bionicle

I wonder if I've met that kid... I've definitely had a similar experience, in any case.

I'd still like to go to a west coast con at some point, but never can decide on which one. I've heard Cascade is on the upswing, though—maybe someday...
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So cool to hear the Dinotopia books are still getting some love.

And that BZP wasn't the only one making Nexo Knights MOCs this year.


I remember my BrickCon where we actually left and toured Seattle during Saturday public hours. Maybe if they didn't put our MOCs up against a wall with no chairs...

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