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I'm Wii-ly Excited!

Mr. Onua


Alright...I don't know about you guys, but I'm really psyched for Generation 7 of video games. My personal favourite is the Wii.


I've been a Nintendo fan for a LONG time. I still own an original NES and SNES. The Super Nintendo, IMO, had some of the best games...it still has to be one of my favourite systems. I had all the Super Mario World's...they were "da bomb". However (I must admit), this past generation, I bought a PS2. Don't get me wrong, I thought the PS2 was a great system...it's just that I now wish I bought a Gamecube. Many argue that the graphics of the Gamecube are inferior and such (which they're not in anyway), but to me, gameplay is way more important. The original SMB still has to be one of my favourite games (and it has terrible graphics! :P). I am a big Melee fan. Link is "da bomb" (and can throw 'em, too). ^_^


On the topic of next-gen...I am REALLY looking forward to the Wii. Let's face it: the name sucks...but it grows on you. I can't wait to try out games like Super Mario Galaxy or Super Smash Bros. Brawl! Not only are the controls extremely innovative, but the price point is gonna be great, too (as far as we know now, it's gonna be under $250...I have a feeling it's gonna be around the $200 mark). Now, a lot of people are saying that Nintendo (yet again) has inferior graphics. I'd have to disagree. I mean, sure, it doesn't have nearly as much horsepower, but the graphics still look awesome. From what I've heard, the Wii can pump out graphics that match the 360. Also, Wii does not support HDTV, but it does support EDTV. The games are still gonna be awesome. With awesome controls and access to Nintendo's legendary library of games (you can download select games from all of Nintendo's previous systems and some of Sega ones, too), you can't go wrong. I think this is a really good step in the right direction for Nintendo. I know what system I'm getting.


Now, that I've ranted and everything, which system are you guys planning on getting?


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I'm cetrainly considering purchasing a Wii. The PS3 is priced a bit too steep for my liking, and I haven't seen anything really groundbreaking on the Xbox 360.

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I don't know if I'll be purchasing any of the next-gen consoles, since they're all kinda . . . eh.

Plus I'm not that big of a fan of consoles, and I'd rather spend that money on a better computer.


But if I do get one, it'll probably be the Wii, just for Twilight Princess. Good grief, that game looks so awesome. I'm rediculously tempted to the dark side by that game.


In the end, all I need is my Dreamcast! BEST SYSTEM THAT YOU FREAKS DIDN'T BUY.

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Yeah, I saw the coverage of E3 and I was amazed when I saw the Wii.


All I own and have ever owned is an Xbox, but I was extremly disapointed with Microsoft's poor work on the 360. I mean, the Xbox had a built-in hard drive, one of the big reasons I got it in the first place. The 360 makes you buy it seperatly. And the thing is SO EXPENSIVE!!$!!$!$!$$!$!$!$! Now, video gaming is an expensive hobby, but that is just ridiculous! Microsoft ripping people off, that's all there is to it.


And the PS3 apparently is going to be more expensive than the 360. Thanks, guys. :glare:


But yeah, the Wii. Inexpensive, truly a new area for gaming, and a HUGE library of titles behind them. That's one system I could go for. Although the controller seems a little strange to me(it really reminds me of those virtual reality things), maybe I could finally get my dad to try gaming. :P And for once, playing video games might actually be good for you! :lol:


However, I'm just going to wait and see. Anything can happen between now and then. I probably won't buy it right when it comes out, but when my Xbox breaks, that may be the one to get.

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From what I've heard, the Wii can pump out graphics that match the 360.


I can tell you right now, that is false. I've seen screens and videos from upcoming 360 games and I've seen screens and videos of Wii games, and let me tell you, there is a huge gap. Of course, the graphics will only get better on both systems, but I think it's evident that the 360 has the superior graphics.


I already have a 360, and there are a bunch of games coming out soon that I think I'm going to fully enjoy. Lost Planet, Too Human, BioShock, Mass Effect, Gears of War, Splinter Cell 4, Enchanted Arms, and Ninety-Nine Nights all look amazing - graphically and gameply-wise. However, I am also going to pre-order a Wii ASAP and pick it up the DAY it comes out. I'm just that excited for it. It will be relatively cheap and most of all, the game I've been looking forward to for abotu a year now - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Link is my homeboy...no really, we share a bunk-bed. Also, games like Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Mario Galaxy, and WarioWare: Smooth Moves seems like launch titles I will enjoy. Project HAMMER, Disaster: Day of Crisis and the WiiSports titles all seem interesting. Going into 2007, Super Smash Bros. Brawl will hit Wii's world-wide. This fall, it's a good time to be a gamer. ^_^

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The 360 makes you buy it seperatly. And the thing is SO EXPENSIVE!!$!!$!$!$$!$!$!$! Now, video gaming is an expensive hobby, but that is just ridiculous! Microsoft ripping people off, that's all there is to it.

Buy the premium package and your problems are solved.


And it's clearly not ripping anyone off. The thing is expensive to produce and they went as low as they could go. Any cheaper and they would borderline the point where they can't recover the price of production.

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Well I am really torn between systems. One I hate the 360 there are no good games for it except for halo.

What I am really anticipating is the PS3 wich is going to be awsome! 7 whole proccesor cores! I can't wait! And the graphics... Don't even get me started on that the graphics alone can kick out 1.2 teraflops! now 10 years ago that would compete with a super computer! And one more thing it can kick out enough power to have dual hdtvs! now that is going to be awsome especcially with vision gran turismo!


But then there is the Wee excuse me Wii. Although it has no power whatsoever, it is going to have the best games ever! I can't wait for zelda: the twilight princess to come out! now thats gona be the best zelda game ever purily cause you can use the Wii controller to control everything!


That's my two cents,


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