As I have done several times on this blog, I choose to share another great work by the unparalleled John Williams.
In honor of John Sydney McCain III. Argumentative, resilient, stubborn...and a friend in spite of it all. And now he is among the Ancients.
This makes me very emotional, not just the fact that someone died, but seeing what good it has done. In my lifetime, I have not seen America so united since nearly seventeen years ago to the day. It makes me sad because I realize how rarely we all put our differences aside and feel the same joys and the same sorrows. I wish that America was like this more often, with malice toward none. I love my country far too much and regard my countrymen as true family. We send our senators from across the country to dwell with each other in one house and spend years getting to know each other -- cannot they regard each other as brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and dare I say it — friends?
Tomorrow, we will go our separate ways, for this is what we must do. We have our disagreements and cannot disobey the dictates of our consciences. I am reminded of the Christmas Armistice during World War I, when the two sides called a ceasefire without a spoken word, but with the word of song. People set down their weapons and mingled with one another, and for a day there were no sides, no war. Then they did what they had to, and returned to their posts to start up the terrible dispute once more. There was no hatred in their hearts for their enemies, only for what they had to do.
I hope that we come together more often, that it doesn't take the death of a public legend to do so. Wouldn't it be nice if we could unite on the holidays? And then when we part and fight once more, we do so as a healthy family, with malice towards none. Because America is family.
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