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A Baby Fledgling Blue Tit...in My Friend's Garden



Well, I was at my friend's house yesterday and we were playing PS2 when his dad called as and said a bird (he thought it was a canary) just flew by and then while we were talking, I saw something popping up and down in the grass but I didn't want to go near it because I didn't want to make a fool out of myself, but I couldn't resist so I asked out loud, "what's that thing over there"

We ran there and guess what, it was a baby Fledgling Blue Tit (but we didn't know the species at the time),his dad grabbed it and we brought it inside, we were so happy, we thought my friend was going to keep it but it couldn't eat or do anything like that, and to add to that, we didn't know what it eats so we made a plan to get to my house (because I have internet and have experience with birds-I own 2 Budgies) and when we saw a bird on the Ariel so we grabbed Bionoculars and saw it, my friend claimed that it must be the baby's mother, but I wasn't so sure so we went tomy house went on the internet and we found out that it was this bird:


IPB Image


We also found out what it eats: insects (especially meal worms) and we couldn't get those because the pet shops/centers are closed at this time (the time was around 8:00) so we called the RSPCA but it went into those recorded messages and told us to see there website for more help so we did and it said that the bird must be left alone, where you found it so we rushed back to my friend's house and put it there where we found it but the sad thing was that before we knew we had to leave it there, we were so happy that my friend gave it the name Minty but then we knew we had to let it go, we should have put a tag on it though, when we were about to leave it there, a thought came to our minds, if we left it there, Foxes/Cats/Crows/Bigger Birds (scince the next door's garden is like a jungle with lots of stray animals) might eat it so we went to the other next door's house (where the baby probably flew out of) and put it in the nest there in the garden in the treeand we saw their cool cat and very cute kittens so now, I hope it's having a happy life and meets it's mother






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:o When did you see it? If you saw it today, it would be a coincidence. In my side yard, there was a baby bird in the grass. It was learning to fly. The mother kept scolding us. My kitten, Julian, almost caught the bird. :( At least he did't get it... My mom made a water gardne on Fri. We got six fish and two snails for it.
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Cool! We've got a bird box in our garden which has got some chicks in. We haven't seen them, but we saw a parent fly in and then all the chicks started shrieking for food!

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:o When did you see it? If you saw it today, it would be a coincidence. In my side yard, there was a baby bird in the grass. It was learning to fly. The mother kept scolding us. My kitten, Julian, almost caught the bird. :( At least he did't get it... My mom made a water gardne on Fri. We got six fish and two snails for it.


I saw it on 25/05/07



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That's neat! I hope the mother finds the baby bird. My dad nursed a hurt bird back to health when he was young. Only it was almost full grown, so it didn't matter if he touched it or not.




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