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I agree!...Even though I haven't seen SM3. ;-;


Even though it was totally long, and crazy plotline and action. Twas awesome. :D And Barbossa over did homself, I am a offical fangirl of him. *Hugs him*

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SM3 was.... okay. SO many things could have been done better with it.


Barbossa was ca-raaazy on the maelstrom part. XD So much fun.


Yeah, my sis is a total Will Turner fangirl, so she liked this movie the best. :P



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Oh the marriage was awesome, my friends and I were laughing to death during that part. And Jack the monkey was so cute and funny like always. :D And the multipule Jacks were odd....but awesome!


And I totally pity'd Davy after this show.

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I kind of wish the didn't die
. :(


Yeah Will was cool as it showed he isn't always a goodie blacksmith so to say, but him becoming....well yeah that part was surprising, a bit annoying IMO but I'll live. It was a cool twist.


I can't wait to see it again, hopefully on my birthday!

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Yeah, everyone in the theater was laughing during the marriage part. XD


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The whole part with Davy and Calypso was sad. :(


Plot twists are awesome. =D



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Indeed -- Davy Jones was sweet in DMC, but too shallow. AWE truly brought his character out, and it was awesome.


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"Captain Barbossa, we need you at the helm!"

*gives Elizabeth a "Yeah right" look*

"... Aye! That ye do!"

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The wedding was my favorite part.


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"All right fine! Dearly beloved we have gathered here today..." "You may know kiss... You may know kiss... You may know kiss... Just kiss already!" I want that type of wedding!! I want Barbossa to marry us (whoever I end up getting married to)

Jack going insane was pretty funny two ^_^


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Did anyone notice how Elizabeth didn't seem to age in ten years? I dunno, it just seems... Odd.
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The ending of Pirates 3 definately left room for a sequel, at the minimum. I can't wait to find out what happens with Elizabeth and Will. I also can't wait to find out what happens with the little quest that the others go off on.


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I couldn't believe some of the characters they killed off. I nearly cried when I found out about one of the character's death!
Lyg, you have to go see it NOW!!! It is by far the best 3rd movie to come out since Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (I didn't like Return of the Jedi very much).


Here's to another Pirates of the Caribbean movie.




PS: Loving the Barbossa Sig and Avatar, Lady K

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Stop giving spoilers, I said! You folks are going a bit too far!


Niki, would you mind at least editing in some spoiler tags?


- :vahi:


Just did. Sorry about that, Aanchir.

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Did anyone stay after the credits for the "10 Years Later" scene?


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I wouldn't have missed it for the world!

Yah that does seem odd, especially since they didn't have Spa treatments back then


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The ending of Pirates 3 definately left room for a sequel, at the minimum. I can't wait to find out what happens with Elizabeth and Will. I also can't wait to find out what happens with the little quest that the others go off on.


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I couldn't believe some of the characters they killed off. I nearly cried when I found out about one of the character's death!
Lyg, you have to go see it NOW!!! It is by far the best 3rd movie to come out since Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (I didn't like Return of the Jedi very much).


Here's to another Pirates of the Caribbean movie.




PS: Loving the Barbossa Sig and Avatar, Lady K

I dunno, Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom said they'd rather not do another. Geoffrey Rush and Johnny Depp would love to, though.

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Did anyone notice how Elizabeth didn't seem to age in ten years? I dunno, it just seems... Odd.


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I know. Will didn't age much,either. That kinda gave my dad the chuckles.


We were thinking for a little bit that maybe, since she possessed Will's heart in Davy Jones' chest-box thing, that she lived forever as well...


Want... to watch... ><


Three third movies come out this month, don't see a single one...


I've seen all three.


This one was the best.


Yay. :P


The ending of Pirates 3 definately left room for a sequel, at the minimum. I can't wait to find out what happens with Elizabeth and Will. I also can't wait to find out what happens with the little quest that the others go off on.


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I couldn't believe some of the characters they killed off. I nearly cried when I found out about one of the character's death!
Lyg, you have to go see it NOW!!! It is by far the best 3rd movie to come out since Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (I didn't like Return of the Jedi very much).


Here's to another Pirates of the Caribbean movie.




PS: Loving the Barbossa Sig and Avatar, Lady K

I dunno, Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom said they'd rather not do another. Geoffrey Rush and Johnny Depp would love to, though.


I actually think a fourth one might be pushing it, cuase there's not much they can do.

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I mean, based on the fact that Jack's now trying to find the Fountain of Youth gives one soe interesting ideas
... but I don't think they could get much more out of it...


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Maybe they could use Will and Elizabeth's son... :ohmy:



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What?? I missed the whole ending cut scene thing at the ending! Bah I must see it!


I kind of want another movie, and kind of not. If they made it really, really good I would want it, but a 4th is slightly pushing it ya know. Still, here's hoping.

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Yeah but we all were dying to eat at ihop and we forgot. :P Oh well we're probably going to see it agian on Friday, so I must remember!
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Sorry about not putting that in spoiler tags, Nikira. I thought it was vague enough. Won't happen again.


Anyway, there was a Ten Years Later scene!? Dang, I'm going to have to go see it again, just to see that scene.



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I agree, the reason why PoTC3 was better than Spiderman 3 because SM3 have too much events in it and PoTC3 have only a few (I guess, or only one). But I heard PoTC3 wasn't interesting as the prequels.
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Aw man I knew there was a reason I wanted to stay behind after the credits!

But still they shouldn't really make a sequel after

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losing several main characters.



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Well, technically, they still could make a fourth one.


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You've got Jack on his way to the Fountain of Youth, Will on the Dutchman, Barbossa on the Pearl with only half a map, Elizabeth with a ten-year-old son, and not to mention that Calypso's still out there.


But yeah... wiping out Davy, the Kraken, Lord Beckett, Admiral Norrington and Elizabeth's father kinda stinks for a sequel to the sequels... >>





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Will and Elizabeth have a son in the 10-year later thing? Wow, I sure missed a ton when I skipped the end of the credits, on accident. I really hope that they do a fourth movie now.


Not to change subject too much, but did anyone else see the Golden Compass trailer, or the National Treasure 2 trailer? I didn't see the National Treasure trailer, though I did see it about an hour ago, but I did see Golden Compass's trailer, and it was amazing. I imagined some of the characters younger, but the rest of the movie looks like the places were described!


Anyway, back to Pirates, I really hope to see what happens to the characters after number 3.



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