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I have come to realize that anger is a selfish impulse. You get angry at people for doing something that restricts the action of your getting something. Think about it.


Anger at bullies for stealing your lunch money- you get no lunch.


Anger at somebody cutting you off in traffic- you can't get to where you're going that much longer 'cause they're getting ahead of you now.


Anger at people for releasing pollutants and causing global warming- you don't get to lvie in a clean world and are going to die in the consequences of global warming.


Anger at people for spamming on BZP- they are wasting space that could be taken up otherwise by you chatting with others.


So, in the end, I realize that I am incredibly selfish, and will continue to be so for quite some time now. Because, as mentioned in my last blog, I am still angry with the world around me. Now to go stick my head in a bucket of water... or would that be someone else's head?


Have a good day.




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PITTSBURGH - Anger is good for you, as long as you keep it below a boil, according to new psychology research based on face reading.


People who respond to stressful situations with short-term anger or indignation have a sense of control and optimism that lacks in those who respond with fear.


"These are the most exciting data I've ever collected," Carnegie Mellon psychologist Jennifer Lerner told a gathering of science writers here last month.


Lerner harassed 92 UCLA students by having experimenters ask subjects to count backward on camera by 13s starting with an odd number like 6,233, telling them it was an intelligence test and then telling them they weren't counting fast enough and to speed it up as they went along.


Wrong answers meant subjects had to start all over again.


Another test involved counting backwards by sevens from 9,095.


So angry ...


The video cameras caught subjects' facial expressions during the tests, ranging from deer-in-the-headlights to seriously upset. The researchers identified fear, anger and disgust using a psychologist's coding system that considers the flexing of particular sets of small muscles in the face.


The researchers also recorded people's blood pressure, pulse and secretion of a high-stress hormone called cortisol, which can be measured in the saliva and collected with a cotton swab.


The people whose faces showed more fear during the had higher blood pressure and higher levels of the hormone. The findings were the same for men and women.


Lerner previously studied Americans' emotional response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks two months afterward and found that anger triggers feelings of certainty and control. People who reacted with anger were more optimistic about risk and more likely to favor an aggressive response to terrorism.


Go ahead, get angry


So in maddening situations in which anger or indignation are justified, anger is not a bad idea, the thinking goes. In fact, it's adaptive, Lerner says, and it's a healthier response than fear.


Chronic, explosive anger or a hostile outlook on the world is still bad for you, contributing to heart disease and high blood pressure, research shows.


The new research supports the idea that humans have more than one uniform response to stress and that fear and anger provoke different responses from our nervous systems and the parts of our brain, such as the pituitary, that deal with tough situations.


The results were published in a recent issue of the journal Biological Psychiatry.


Charles Darwin was the first scholar to propose that you can read people's faces. More recently, Paul Ekman is the master of observing emotions on people's faces. He has even identified rare, super-sensitive people who are expert face readers and can accurately tell when people are lying.

So give into your anger......let it consume you! j/k

I agree with Shine.

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I am angry with the world too. Also, if you stick my head in a bucket, I will just stand up and run wild with it on my head.

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I'm going out on a limb here and giving quick answers with no moral reference. So, if you get offended, it's your fault for reading. :P


I get angry at people for hurting others, how is that selfish?

Because those mean people may do the same thing to you if you were in the other people's place. You would want to not be hurt if you were in there position, and you relate to them by being angry at the perdicament. Maybe not completely selfish, but close.


D.Q- the article said anger was healthy, I said it was selfish. People who try to be healthy are being selfish, even if it's in a good way, its still only applying to them. And I never said anger was bad... just selfish. Am I suggesting you never get angry... no, I'm just analyzing why I'm angry, and how in some contexts my anger is irrational.


Unless you want to be like Peter Patrelli (sp) and blow up whenever you get angry.





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What's wrong with being selfish? Our number one instinct as human beings is to cater our own needs before anyone else's. I freely admit that I look out for myself before others. Being selfiish, in and of itself, isn't wrong. It's human nature.



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