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Yo Ho, Hoist The Colors

Enfero Lunos


On Friday, I saw PotC:AWE

I thought it was pretty great, contrary to what the newspaper said (you know it's a bad (quality) review when they complain that there is too much CG.


Some of my favorite parts:

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"Why should I sail with you? Four of you tried to kill me, one of you succeeded'


The crew of Jacks in Davy Jones' Locker


The battle in the whirlpool


The telescopes


"Well, 9 pieces of eight sounded better than 9 pieces of whatever junk we had on us at the time"


Some things I didn't get...


Wasn't the dog about to be sacrificed in the second movie?


Never explained why they were called "9 pieces of eight"


What would happen if the person who stabbed the heart of Davy Jones was killed before the crew got the feart out?


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To your first question: sea turtles. As Captain Teague said. :P


Second: a piece of eight is a coin, which the nine lords had planned to use originally.


Third: it doesn't have to be the person who stabs the heart, apparently. Jack stabbed the heart, but Will became Captain of the Dutchman...

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To your first question: sea turtles. As Captain Teague said. :P


Second: a piece of eight is a coin, which the nine lords had planned to use originally.


Third: it doesn't have to be the person who stabs the heart, apparently. Jack stabbed the heart, but Will became Captain of the Dutchman...


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Actually, Jack put the sword in Will's hand, and stabbed, so it was Will's hand that stabbed, so it was seen as Will stabbing him.
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