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Return Of The Nuva



I'm sure this will pop up a lot of "Ask Tahu Nuva v.2" comedy topics.


Seriously, I'm surprised there isn't a "Ask the Matoran Standing Two Feet from the Left of Tahu in Frame 7 of the 4th Bionicle flash episode!" comedy.


Hopefully the new Nuva won't be terrible. Like Mahri terrible. *shudders*


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Very true. I seriously hope Lego doesn't mess up on the next form of the Nuva.


What I'm looking for:

-Original colors (both)

-Kopaka's eyepiece and shild

-Pohatu's foot weapon (which means give them all the original toa foot!)

-And probable keep bodies similar (like hunch Onua and Pohatu and flip Pohatu. The flipping might be hard depending on what kind of body they use....)





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If they keep the old color scheme and have masks that at least LOOK like the old ones (Metru style like Lhikan's could be sorta sweet) I'll be happy. I'm okay with them changing the tools as long as Tahu and Kopaka get swords and the new tools look good, and similar body styles would be great, but that's not uber-important to me.


P.S. The Mahri aren't all bad. Jaller's pretty cool. I just wish they didn't have AS much individuality. The Toa Mata had it right by having them almost clone sets, but not quite.

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Don't expect the Nuva not to suck, because you'll be let down. Rather, set your expectations really low... like, "I hope their weapons won't be pizza-based." Then your expectations will be exceeded! Amazing! :o
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