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A Change, Hopefully For The Better.

SparkyDino: Toa of Swordsmanship


I've come to the decision, after looking through my blog so far, that my entries (apart from a few), have really been rather short and pointless. So from now on, they are going to be less frequent, but much longer, as I'll take my time to write them.


Now I'd like to point you back to the post where I asked whether advertizing was allowed in blogs. I'll now ask it again, but in a different context. I got Battle for Middle Earth 2 a few days ago, and I'd quite like to do a review in my blog. If I say it's really cool, does that count as advertizing? If it does, is it allowed?


Half term has just ended, and I'm back for a revision week before my end of year exams. In our school, in every year, 1-4, you take an exam for every subject (Excluding RST, which you only do in first year, and Art/Design, which you can't really do an exam for.


The new headmaster of the school has decreed that instead of, like the old headmaster decreed, giving us just the one week holiday to revise, and having to do exams the week that we come back, we could have a week of revision after we came back, to go over any problems. That's where I am now, and it's REALLY BORING!


I got Grand Titan on Thursday, meaning I now have 9 Exo-Force sets.


As I speak type, we are sitting in our quiet school library, Machine758 is doing a flash animation, and I am typing this.


This afternoon, we have English first, then Maths (the most boring lesson ever, on account of our teacher, Mrs. Peacock), and then DOUBLE BIOLOGY. Now I'll just start by saying that the teacher that we have is bad enough, and the fact that we're REVISING means it's really boring. But we've just come back from the holiday, It's a Monday, it's the end of the day, and it's a DOUBLE LESSON! I really hate it!


My new phone is working fine, and is now feeling a bit more like a normal phone. It's pictures can be taken either in Single Photo, Panorama, or Burst. Single Photo is quite obvious, and is taken in 2 Megapixels. Panorama lets you join three photo's onto eachother, blurring them out at the corners, so you get a panorama of, say, a landscape. Burst takes four photo's in quick succession, letting you capture, say, four points of a person jumping. The music is also quite good quality, but the headphones/handsfree set that they give you with it is really annoying, as to get the earphones to stick in your ears takes half an hour of careful balancing. Then, when they fall out again, after, say, the bus that I get home goes over a bump, it takes another half an hour to get them to stick in again, and by that time I'm home anyway.


Speaking of buses, why do they always seem to take the most roundabout routes? The bus that I get is the 62, from Crosby. Now, I get it to West Derby, Liverpool, and instead of just going down a few straight roads and avoiding the places with the traffic jams, they pick the route that goes first, straight away from the destination, then in a series of swerves towards the destination, and then gets stuck in a traffic jam for a mile, meaning that instead of a 20 minute bus journey, it turns into an hour's bus journey.


Now, sitting on the bus for an hour gets not only exceedingly boring, but also exceedingly hot, and exceedingly tiring. So when I get home after a 10 hour day, and THEN have to do Homework, AND Music Practice, it really gets annoying.


I think that's all I've got time for now, as I've got to go for lunch, or I'll miss it.


SparkyDino: Toa of Swordmanship



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