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Movie Critics Are Stupid!



So was Cutler Beckett. Other than that, Pirates 3 was awesome. Much better than the movie critics said it was. I think from now on I'll use my fellow bloggers as a sounding board for new movies, since they are much closer to my age and tastes than those silly people who get paid to bash on cool movies.

I lawlz'd many times, especially when Jack got shot out of the cannon! Davy and Barbossa weren't as forceful a presence as they were in the first two movies, but they were still worth watching. I was unable to keep track of all the double- and triple- and quadruple-crossings, but I'm going back to see it with my friends this weekend, so hopefully I'll be able to keep a better accounting then. Overall, I wouldn't say it was as good as Dead Man's Chest or Spidey 3, and there were some parts I would have done differently, but then, there aren't really any movies where that would not be the case.


Cuttlefish are the new sea turtles!




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Yeah, I hate how every movie review is always says a movie is bad.

(I'd give every Star Wars movie 10 stars! Evan Ep 2, which I like, but others say is bad. Hmph)


Yeah, Pirates 3 was awesome. I got to get that soundtrack....



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I would have to agree with you, Pirates 3 was amazing. (Of course anything with Johnny Depp in it is amazing, he is an amazing actor) I usually go on the opinions of the critics but I totally disagree on their judgement on this one. I would have to say the length got to them. I will hopefully watch it out again. I disagree with the critics on Spidey 3 as well, I didn't like it so much...

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Davy and Barbossa weren't as forceful a presence as they were in the first two movies
Uhh, Barbossa didn't even appear in Dead Man's Chest, since he was dead. He appeared only at the end, revived by Cal..ehm, I mean Tia Dalma. I think that he works better as a "hero" than a villain, I loved the part where he married Elizabeth and Will while fighting on the ship. As for Davy Jones, I think he was just as cool and cruel as in Dead Man's Chest. The part where he kills that guy of the marine with his beard tentacles was great. Plus seeing him in his human form was nice.


Movie critics are too strict and far from "normal" people's judgements. But that's their job.



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Meh... it was better than both Spidey 3 and Pirates 2. Silly Arpy.

Jack didn't get shot out of a cannon... he just used a cannon. Now the monkey on the other hand...

You have to see it again to get everything. Go. Now.

And NEVER trust a critic. I almost never agree with them.


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No, not you.. We named the monkey Jack.

Sound familiar?



That's the best quote from the first movie.


*hasn't seen 3. I thought I'd seen 2 but it turns out I hadn't but had seen 1 twice, so I watched 1 and 2 two days ago*

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