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Bunch Of Profiles.

Takuna Nuva


Redwall RPG Character List
If you are an approved member of the RPG and your profile is not here, please PM it to me.
Please also note whether or not it is up-to-date.

Yezzz, this thing is darned old. The whole lot is going to be updated since it is just that out of date... If you'd be so good as to PM me your character profile as a reply to this blog, it'll probably make things much easier. ;)

If there are any mistakes regarding your or anyone elses profiles or information here, please let me know.

Also, if you have any queries regarding this RPG, just send me a PM; I'd be happy to help.

I would really like PG's profile... :lookhere:

And sorry about the first lists. They only contain main characters because it was beginning to confuse me. :wacko:

The full Character Profiles are further down the page.

While, yes, I am away that PG returned, she did promptly vanishify herself again. So I can't exactly add her back to the leaders list. Yeah, I know, it's sad. :(

Both Rausaro and I have been promoted to RPG leaders! Yay! *Crickets chirp* Well, whatever. Hahli Husky promoted us both recently, so you'll just have to lump it. :P

Please note that while on the front page of the RPG, it states that there is a one IC-post per day restriction, the rule was officially changed a while ago to TWO IC-posts per day.

For all new members, Hahli Husky, while being a leader is taking a long break from Redwall. Just in case you were wondering where she was... :P

RPG Leaders
Hahli Husky ~ Inactive
Raptor ~ Active (sort of. :P)
Rausaro ~ Active
Takuna nuva Toa of electricity ~ Active

Elder list

Badgermum: Highstar - badger - (Hahli Husky)
Skipper of Otters: Sesina - otter - (<>~PaharakGirl~<>)
Log a Log of the Guosim: Zheck Toa of Poison - Shrew - Znex (Not sure if you can fill this position, yet... Everyone seems to be fine with it, though.)
Badgerlord: Raptor - badger - (Sickle)

If you want to fill an elder's position, please PM Raptor.

Redwallers ~ Includes Otter Crew, at the moment.
These are the beasts who reside in Redwall Abbey. Since this topic was just started, I don't have everyone's names listed on here. If you aren't mentioned, please post with your name and species.

Turag Brookback - otter - (Turag Brookback)
Rausaro - otter - (Rausaro)
Takuna - bat - (Takuna nuva Toa of electricity)
Rakiy Squirrel - squirrel - (-Tidal-)
Tarka Streambattle - otter - (Tarka Streambattle)
Gondo - mouse - (Pridak in Chains)


Residents of Salmandastron
Sickle - badger - (Raptor)

Znex - shrew - (Zhecks Toa of Poison)

Redfang - wolf - (The King of Kings)
Kothra Streamdiver - otter - (Satua the Otter Maniac)

Full character profiles

Hahli Husky's characters <Accurate but out of date>

Name: Highstar/HH
Title(Occupation): Badgermum of Redwall
Gender: Female
Weapons: Swiftfire, sword forged in Salamandastron and once wielded by her father. Also keeps hidden a mysterious weapon, of her late hedgehog friend.
Appearance: That of a female badger. To be specific, she's a littler sorter than other badgers, but no less strong. She wears a faded blue dress and an old turqiouse necklace (Ses has one that matches it). When traveling, she wears a dark brown cape.
History: With no memory, HH stumbled across Redwall Abbey as she wandered blankly through Mossflower. For a long time she stayed there happily, content to be its badgermum and have a peaceful life. Then came dreams that were so real...instantly she labeled them as the past she'd forgotten. Her original quest returned, still hung in the air. HH set out with her friends, to find her slain friend's son, Rushpaw. Events churned quickly and they learned that Rushpaw was among them; he was Lhikan, adopted son of Salamandastron Badgerlord. HH recalled her old name, Highstar.
Other: Highstar is quiet but jovial at times, everything most badgermums have been (think Cregga). She is kind and gentle with her dibbuns, but fierce and merciless against vermin. She cherishes her friends dearly and does what she can to aid them.

Raptor's characters <Accurate as of June, 2007>
(Highest ranking RPG member currently active.)

Name: Sickle Boltstripe. (Note, Boltstripe is not his last name. It is his real never knew. He took it as a surname, because he was so used to Sickle.)
Species: Badger
Gender: Male
Weapons and/or Special Items: Broken sickle, (Named Dice after the male badger that Sickle took in, who died saving him from a Viper[The reason Sickle hates snakes]), Rawnblade Widestripes sword Verminfate.
History: Sickle had a scarring childhood. He spent three days locked in an armory ih his older brother Scythe, after their father had locked them in to save them from a band of maurading vermin. He escaped, and the two defeated the vermin. Sickle and his brother were seperated, and Sickle grew up as a rogue Badger, trying to survive. When he was near adulthood, he found two siblings, and raised them as his own. Both Snip(Dice) and Snap were killed by Snakes. Sickle then made friends at Redwall, and had determined to live there, until he fought a badgr named Darkstripe. Darkstripe was being protected by the Badger Guard of Mossflower. After a rough fight that involvd Darkstripe's siter,Starstripe getting hurt, Sickle released his claws and killed Darkstripe, granting him the name Bareclaw. He befriended Barkstripe and Thistlepaw, two of the guard, and set Starstripe and Barkstripe up. Not too long after that, however, Barkstripe was killed defending Sickle from Splittin' Mal, the ferret that killed Sickle's parents. Sickle had to postpone his revenge, as the Redwallers had to escape to Southsward. The Badger Guard followed them. While in Southsward, Sickle married Starstripe out of remorse and want for her to be safe. Shortly thereater, they fell in love. The Badgers Cillimrous, Nuji and Ranbar trained Sickle to further heights with the sword, only for all three to fall in battle later on. Sickle then took up the mantle of Badgerlord for Nuji, and found his true desinty on the walls of Salamandastron, though he will tell no one what it is. He is plagued by visions of Rawnblade Widestripe.
Appearance: Sickle was once short and stocky, though after his first meeting with Rawnblade, he nearly doubled in size. He stands above most creatures, but still below most badgers. His headstripe is jagged, and resembles a bolt of lightning. Sickle wears a simple black homespun tunic most of the time, but silver armor in battle.
Traits and Personality: Sickle is kind to woodlanders, cruel to vermin, and horrible to snakes. He likes to cook, and will do so with the best of them. He once wanted to be Abbey Friar, but oter obligations now hold him back from that dream.
Battlelight: Sickle is afflicted by a rare condition known as Battlelight. A qoute from a wise owl tells the story.
"That gleam that shines in creatures eyes,
The lust for battleand demise.
Friends are not seen where darklight touch,
Vermin only are in it's clutch.
Madness deeper than despair,
Have the one with bolted hair."

Turag Brookback’s Characters <Accurate (Though out of date?) as of May, 2007>

Name: Turag Brookback
Species: Otter (River variety… though he probably does have some Sea Otter in him somewhere…)
Gender: Male
Weapons: Spear made from bleached eel spine, anything else he happens to get his paws on in battle
Appearance: A picture paints 1000 words!
History: Born to Lahno and Adara Brookback, Turag was near the end of dibbunhood when the searats attacked his holt. His parents were among the few who stayed to fight when the rest of the holt fled, and none of them came back. Turag left the holt a few seasons later and he never speaks of what happened to him before he arrived at Redwall. (Obviously at some point he acquired his unusual spear and married his wife, Pela, and had a daughter, Marina.) He arrived at Redwall in deep winter and accompanied the Redwallers on a journey to Salamandastron. Though many think of this as his first appearance at the Abbey, there are unconfirmed rumours that he has infact visited there once before, long ago, accompanied by another…
During his several years on and off staying at Redwall, Turag has fought in more battles and wars than he cares to count, including facing and defeating his greatest enemy, Jagga JuskaBor Taggerung. Though this lifestyle is starting to take its toll on him due to his advancing years, he would not change it, or those he lives it with, for the world.
Traits and Personality: Ruthlessly loyal to his friends, ruthlessly deadly to his enemies. Turag Brookback – Warrior, Traveler, Matey!

Rausaro’s characters <Accurate as of May, 2007>

Species: River otter
Weapons and/or Special Items:Spear and medium sword, Special shield was given as gift to Skipper.
History: One of 4 Shipwreck Survivors, adopted and raised by a small Holt of Sea Otters. Made a journey once before to Salamandastron, and he was able to recover stolen family posessions with the help of Salamandastron. With them, a creature of the mountain helped to make a special shield for a leader of a crew he hoped to join. When he first came to Redwall, He was welcomed into Skipper's crew, and since then has become a sentry on the wall. Besides the wall, he can often be found studying the history of redwall under the recorder's guidance. {note} He is also one of the captains of Holt Lutra.

Appearance: A slightly taller otter, he often wears a customary Robe in winter, but often just wears{Can't think of what it's called}{Is it a tunic?}{Something like shorts, but not}Has Green eyes. Currently wearing the above mentioned clothes and light steel armour, or else a shark-leather clothes. Has a scar on back from a nail. Update: Now he has a slight scar across his face, but it may go away with healing salve.
Traits and Personality:
Has a good sense of sight, loves to read and learn history. Currently working on stealth. Loyal to his elders. For the most part he is patient, but now and then is restless, especially before a battle, or during a siege. Although Serious during these times, Deyna still can have fun when the danger level lowers a bit. Willing to serve. Extremely loyal to Sesina and Sickle. Update: He has changed in several ways from when he first came to the abbey; his confidence has risen, as well as some of his abilities. Has begun to use the shadows and stealth more than he used to.

Takuna nuva Toa of electricity’s characters <Accurate as of May, 2007>

Main Character:

Name: Takuna

Species: Bat (Part vampire)

Gender: Male

Weapons and/or Special Items:
Twin ‘Fang Blades’ which are double-edged, medium-long, straight swords with 'V' shaped handguards and are kept in sheathes on his back.

Blades of Karnas, which are twin curved katana. These used to belong To Takuna’s arch-enemy, Karnas.

Crossbow modified by himself to hold 4 shots.

Explosive pouches which create a bright flash, for escapes and soot & smoke pouches, also for escapes.

Throwing darts with various poisons including knock-out poisons. As well as darts he has three razor disks and one throwing knife. These pieces of equipment are rarely used, as his main expertise is with swords and crossbow.

Also, under his dark clothing he has a few plates made of light yet fairly strong metal and is highly maneuverable. He’s also trained himself in swift and fast unarmed combat.
All weapons are designed to be light as possible.
In addition to weapons, he has a herbal pouch which he uses for first aid.

History: When Takuna was younger, he lived as a noble in a community of bats known as the Rhaknas that lived in harmony with another group, known as the Karnas, named after their leader, which were vampires from a foreign land. While the Rhaknas frowned on the vampiric act of the ingesting of blood, relations between the two clans were good. The Rhaknas, while of a slightly smaller build, had a very advanced society, with extensive knowledge of herbs, chemicals and combat. The Karnas also excelled in combat and had a great warmaster for a leader. Their knowledge of medicines were also quite advanced. Unfortunately, the Karnas wanted the Rhaknas to share more knowledge with them. They wanted secrets that the Rhaknas had deemed too dangerous to be shared too flippantly. The Karnas turned on them and after defeating many, took them away from the caves and went north for a time. It is unknown as to why General Karnas did this, only that he did. It was just by chance that Takuna happened to be away at the time. He had gone out into the daylight and was practicing sword techniques in a forested area. When he came back, everyone was gone. There was not many signs of struggle because the Karnas attack had been a surprise one and the Rhaknas were overpowered quickly. Takuna trained, using scrolls that he had taken from his home, to train as an expert mercenary with two others, he excelled in this greatly and was very good at his job, in which he moved, with his two companions, from army to army, camp to camp, as a hired sword. At some point, though, he received a violent blow to the head. He doesn’t remember how. All that is certain is that it altered his personality and removed all sense of remorse and feeling. He left his group and with such a focused mind, his already good skills were able to excel to such a high degree that he was feared by many warlords. During this time, he made a mask for himself that encompassed his entire head and sleeked off over the back of his head, which made it very aerodynamic. he was under the command of Tritus, a wildcat lord, for a long time and fought against wolverines in great battles. Though eventually, Tritus and Takuna were ambushed by enemies and Takuna was knocked down a small ravine. Another blow to the head reset his memory to normal but also gave him amnesia and caused him to forget everything that had happened during this personality change. After meeting Tritus again, who had also taken a direct blow to the temple, causing him to lose a great amount of memory, the two sparred and a flood of memories were triggered, causing them both to black out. After waking, they remembered everything. The oddest thing was that all the wildcats under Tritus’ command seemed to simply assume Takuna had died, and forgot about him. Takuna was under the impression all the time he had been a mercenary that his entire clan was dead, though after defeating Karnas later on, he found that they had been kept alive, though in smaller numbers.

Appearance: He has a mouse-like head but with slightly larger ears which he keeps leaned backward across his head when not using echolocation. His legs are unusually well-built for a bat. He is able to retract his wings right into his sides, his clothes allow him to open his wings and retract them because of special folds down the sides of them. He also has a short, black cape about his shoulders. He wears a simple, yet elegant, regal looking kind of tunic. His clothes are black or dark shades of grey, in order to blend in with darkness.
(He has more than one hook on the top of his wings to make 'hands' because in Redwall books all the animals' paws are more hand-like. His fingers are just long and thin like bat hooks.)

Traits and Personality: He has lost his habit of repeating words, as bats do, since living in the outside world, and is well-spoken. He has a good sense of humour and will enjoy a good laugh as much as the next creature. In combat, he uses a style which utilises his ability to fly and he uses his wings to push against the air and make quick dashes in different directions. While he is certainly not as strong as Sickle, the badger lord of Salamandastron, he is respected as an expert fighter and assassin. His skills with his crossbow are very good, though it takes a certain knack to use it, something only he and Rausaro, an otter, have seemed to pick up, the latter doing it very quickly, to Takuna’s surprise. His eyesight isn’t as bad as most bats but still is not as good as other creatures, though he makes up for this with his excellent hearing and the ability to echolocate. Even though he is no longer nocturnal he is quite comfortable in the dark, possibly even more so than he is during the day. He skills with potions and medicines are fair and he can serve as a basic medic. He likes to keep his weapons in good condition and fiddles with his crossbow as a hobby.

Secondary characters:

Veno - Lizard
Nuria - Otter (Not yet introduced but mentioned.)

Zhecks Toa of Poison‘s characters <Accurate as of May, 2007>

Name: Zhecks
Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Weapons and/or Special Items: He usually has with him, his old sword from his warrior days and his old wedding ring which he's treasured ever since his wife got killed in a vermin raid. All he has of her now is the ring and his son, Ziggs.
History: Zhecks was one of the great warriors of Southsward, defending all good beasts from stray vermin, intent on riches and power. Eventually when no more vermin seemed to come, Zhecks strayed northwards to seek new adventure. Soon, he became as well-known as the late Martin of Redwall and the freed animals praised him. Later, after having a good well-earned rest, he found a hut which was surrounded by foxes and he chased away the foxes, freeing the captives inside who happened to be a family of dormice.
He got well acquainted with one of the family, known as Forsythia whom he eventually married. On the wedding day, he gave up the warrior life and settled down with Forsythia who later gave birth to his son, Ziggs. But their peace was not to last. Half a season later, a party of ferrets discovered the hut and attacked it, killing half of Forsythia's family, including Forsythia herself. In a fit of rage, Zhecks struck the ferrets down, ripping them to pieces.
Since then, he decided to look for a new home for him and his son and hearing of the fabled Redwall Abbey, he decides to go there...
Appearance: He is a common brown mouse, with his head fur so long it droops down to his shoulders. He has deep green eyes and his left ear is almost torn off. He also has a small scar right next to his right eye which he acquired during a quest in Southsward.
Traits and Personality: Zhecks is a secretive one, he never wants to talk about his far past, before he became the warrior. But he is also friendly at times, playing with Ziggs and maybe some other Dibbuns. But he'll never let any poor creature suffer, unless it's vermin.


Name: Ziggs
Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Position: Dibbun
Weapons and/or Special Items: Ziggs has often been seen carrying along a toy otter that he calls Ozzie.
History: Ziggs doesn't really have much of a history, him being a Dibbun and all. All he knows now is that he and his father are going to a new home...
Appearance: Ziggs looks almost like a young version of his father (without the battle injuries), except for his blue eyes. He has the eyes of his late mother, Forsythia.
Traits and Personality: Ziggs is every way a Dibbun. He's playful, imaginative...and disobedient. But he also wants to be a warrior like his father and Zhecks can see that.


Name: Znex(or El Znex)
Species: Shrew
Gender: Male
Position: Log-a-log of the Guosim
Weapons and/or Special Items: A long rapier which he crafted himself.
History: El Znex comes from an land far away from Mossflower known only to its inhabitants as Hispania. As the land is so large, although there are other lands surrounding it, they've developed their language that as a result, the other beasts can't understand a word of it. Hispania is the only land with evil woodland creatures.
But Znex, being a good-beast, escaped from the island before his brother known as Rodriguez could kill him for being unusual. Soon, Znex found himself on Mossflower, where a kind family of shrews housed him and taught him the woodland language. A season later, Znex went off again and found himself with the Guosim where he proved himself a great fighter and as a result, when the Log-a-log stepped down, the Guosim chose him as Log-a-log. But El Znex still knows Rodriguez is out there and he wants to stop him before he can actually harm any good-beasts...
Appearance: He has many scars on himself and he wears a little bandana on his head. He sometimes also carries along a red cape though some other shrews don't know why.
Traits and Personality: He is mainly a shrew of action, braver than most other shrews. But never get in the way between his enemy and himself, because it could be the last thing you do...

And minor characters!

Name: Rodriguez

Species: Shrew

Name: Guran Spike(haven't revealed first name yet)

Species: Hedgehog

Name: Mrs Spike

Species: Hedgehog

Name: Gibb Spike

Species: Hedgehog

Name: Hodd Spike

Species: Hedgehog

Name: Hagg

Species: Shrew

-Tidal-‘s characters <Accurate as of May, 2007>

Main Charactor:

Name: Rakiy Squirrel
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Weapons/Special Items: Dagger, Shurikins, Rope, Claw Pads, Bow and Arrow
History: Rakiy was a young squirrel when his parents died. He was taken into Redwall Abbey, an was brought up with the other squirrels and the other Abbeycreatures. He became a brilliant warrior in the battle against the White Ferrets. He has gained weapons to fight from his ancestors, and is ready to defeat the Hispanion.
Appearence: Any normal young male squirrel, with weightlless silver and red armour across his chest, shoulders and knees.
Traits and Personality: A fearless warrior who can use his strength to the extent, yet not always wisely. He hates being leader, and lets his friends take charge. He is agile and kind to the Abbey Elders. He is friendly, yet will battle for freedom.

Minor Charactors

Knapker Eyeflash, Hare
Yasmin Eyeflash, Hare
Gafagus Miner
Fraser von Hare
Friar Athbert

Tarka Streambattle’s characters <Accurate as of May, 2007>

name; Tarka Streambattle
species; Otter
gender; Male
History; Is descended from Rab Streambattle, formally lived on Green Isle, but got
got bored and left with some friends to go adventuring.
weapons; Has a lot, but his favorite are twin curved swords, and his longbow
appearance; Extreamly tall, wears a coat of mail and a kilt
traits and personality; Nice and outgoing, but has a very short temper and attention span

Pridak in Chain's characters <Accurate as of August, 2007>

Name: Gondo.
Species: Mouse.
Gender: Male.
Weapons and/or Special Items: Dirk, short bow, flute.
History: Gondo grew up as a regular mouse in Redwall. Opon coming of age, however, he realized that the abbey held nothing more for him. So taking a dirk and bow, he left to roam Mossflower and the rest of the world. He likes visting Salamandastron, and has a 'thing' for chese. He loves rivers, and built a small raft.
Appearance: An albino mouse with a hat similer to Goniff's and a blue tunic.
Traits and Personality: Full of energy, and very smart. Never misses a chance to solve a problem. It seems that his mind is always somewhere else, except when in a battle, feast or when he's playing the flute.

Name: Araver
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Weapons and/or special items: Short Sword, random knives, long bow(sometimes), Throwing Stars
History: Araver comes from a family of traveling Squirrels, who are well known in many parts of Mossflower. But at an early age, they were attacked by a group of vermin and he is the only survivor. Continuing his family's travels, he is searching for the vermin that killed his family.
Appearance: Red fur and a short green habit, which he got when he was in Redwall.
Traits and personality: A lover of history, he would spend hours reading in the gatehouse. He can be a joker, but is very loyal and a good fighter. He is also an excellent archer and tracker, and is stealthy.

The King of Kings's characters <Accurate as of August, 2007>

Character Name: Redfang
Gender: Male
Weapons and/ or Special Items: Long Bow, Claymore Broadsword, Slingshot, Boomerang, CataMount Horn (Will call help in feline form)
History: Redfang has roamed the wilds around Redwall for all his life, occasionally happening across and slaying vermin. He has personally defeated many rats, including a few Warlords. When he was just a pup, a Warlord happened across him in the wilderness, and, wanting to turn a wolf to the ways of the vermin, attacked. Not yet having any weapons, Redfang attacked tooth and claw, defeating the Warlord and stealing the Catamount's Horn from him. It was this battle that gave him his name. He is generally mistrusted by the residents of Redwall, but still does all he can to help.
Appearance: He has a black coat on most of his body, but his head is smoke grey and his paws white. He wears a steel band over one ear and other the other, and has a crimson feather stuck in it. He wears a black cape, preferring to travel silently.
Appearance and Traits: Both cunning and wise, Redfang is quick to help those in distress. His bravery often gets him into trouble, but he gets out of danger quicker than he got in with the use of his varied arsenal.

Name: Nero
Species: Weasel
Gender: Female (didn't expect that, didja?)
Weapons or Special Items: Darts
History: Not much is known about Nero. Basically, one stormy night, she turned up at the entrance to the Abbey, half-dead andwith no memory of her past.
Appearance: Brown fur, with a cream colored underside. Wears a rather simple grey tunic.
Traits and Personality: Very good at killing, but doesn't like to kill, Nero tries to avoid fights that could end in the death of her opponent.

Satua the Otter Maniac's characters <Accurate as of September, 2007>

Name: Kothra Streamdiver
Species: River Otter
Gender: Male
Weapons and/ or Special Items: his father's Longbow, knife, quiver, light javelins, haversack
History: Kothra lived with his family on the Great South Stream somewhere near the Big Inland Lake. There, he learned the ways of archery from his father, he is a skilled carver and uses this skill for the making of longbow shafts and light javelins and he is skilled in the use of both weapons. At around 16 seasons old he wanted to leave home and go adventuring but his mother would not hear of it. A few nights later his father snuck him out of the house. He is currently heading north.
Traits and Personality: N/A

Reku 'Mega Kal's characters <Accurate as of October, 2007>

Name: Rethoru Talwner (or Reth for short)
Species: River Otter
Gender: Male
Weapons and/or Special Items: A curved rapier, hidden dagger under his shirt, a belt with a pouch of water and sheathe, and a key that hangs from his neck.
History: Reth is near fifteen seasons old. He lived by Pine and Black Bird Wood, and his father came up with crazy inventions. Less than a season ago, his mother was abducted by vermin. Soon after, they came back and killed his father. Reth escaped and vowed to stop the vermin in anyway possible.
Appearance: Coming soon
Traits and Personality: An often optimistic and clever otter, Reth loves putting himself in akward possisions in his mind and prepares for the worst.

Name: Samnee the Squirrel
Species: Red Squirrel (obviously…)
Gender: Male
Weapons and/or Special Items: Staff, rope (for those hard-to-climb trees) and a sailor hat as a gift from his father. (Like Captain Jack’s)
History: Born and raised at Redwall, he knows just about everything to Redwall's history, and has high hopes of becoming Recorder of Redwall. Meets Rethoru at Redwall.
Appearance: None… yet…
Traits and Personality: A self-proud squirrel, Samnee thinks he can handle the oncoming vermin, but says he doesn't because he ‘wants to give ‘em a chance.’

Lazok: Warrior Muse's characters <Accurate as of October, 2007>

Name: Weasel
Species: Shrew
Weapons and/or Special Items: Poisonous claws (acquired), darts, sling, rapier
(rarely used), and recently a crossbow
History: When Weasel was born, his parents were killed three days later by a
falling tree. The abbot found him and took him into the abbey, and named him
Weasel because of his extraordinary long tail(long for a shrew, at least).
Weasel grew up and joined the Guosim, occasionally helping out at Redwall when
he could. Recently he stayed at Salamandastron for a short while and befriended
a few hares, becoming great friends with Randscut and Sharpeye.
Appearance: A shrew with a long tail. Weasel is shorter than most Redwallers,
only about the size of most mice. His hair is messy and some of it pokes up in
tufts, and Weasel wears a brown-and-green shirt tucked into his leather belt. He
also tucks his Guosim headband (I think it was a red color, not sure) into his
belt, along with his pouch of darts and his Guosim rapier, which he rarely uses. Weasel wears
camouflage pants that go down to his tough leather boots. Weasel also keeps his
trustworthy sling in a satchel on his back, beside his crossbow. Weasel normally
keeps a canister of poison that he can smear on his claws when he goes into
battle, but he has started to use these less and less as he becomes more
accustomed to close-range fighting with his sling.
Traits and Personality: Weasel lives up to his name. He is good at sneaking
around, and his sole skill is espionage. He is not good at hand-to-hand
fighting, however, which is why he takes great care not to get into fights
unless he absolutely needs to. He lives in the abbey, but is in the Guosim
group. Weasel is also argumentative like most shrews, but a bit quieter and more
composed; he rarely gets into fierce arguments, but when he does, he "debates"
with as much passion as any other Guosim shrew.
Update: Some of the Salamandastron hares that Weasel has befriended have begun
to train him in close-range fighting, and as Weasel becomes more comfortable with it,
he has used his darts less and less.

Name: Sharpeye
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Weapons/Special items: Mostly uses a long bow that hangs diagonally on his back,
as well as a quiver of arrows. Also carries a shield that serves as cover while
he shoots at enemies from afar. He also has a silver necklace with a carving of
a hare on it. He claims this necklace is a good luck charm, and never goes
anywhere without wearing it.
History: Sharpeye had a relatively uneventful early life. He grew up in
Salamandastron, and joined the Long Patrol once he reached adulthood. He was
among one of the best trackers and bowmen in the Patrol because of his excellent
eyes (the reason for his name), and gained fame amongst the other hares.
Recently he has begun to instruct Weasel in archery, and given him a crossbow.
Appearance: Sharpeye's fur is gray, and one of his ears is always hanging down
and covering the side of his head. His eyes are narrow, and the pupils green. He wears a leather vest with a diagonal strap that
holds his longbow and quiver, and he also has a wristguard on his left arm that
has two purposes: to protect himself from his arrows while he shoots (it's hard
to explain, but I have to wear it when I do archery, so...), as well as hold his
rectangular shield with a small hook on the outside.
Traits and Personality: Like all hares, Sharpeye is gluttonous, and constantly
claims that his one true love in life is food. His eyes are the sharpest out of
all the other hares in the Long patrol, something that he is extremely proud of,
and something that he uses for many purposes other than battle (such as noticing
scrumptious food lying around in the kitchen). But although his is boastful and
gluttonous, Sharpeye is an excellent teacher and instructor.

Name: Coalguts
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Weapons/Special Items: His main weapon is a short spear that can serve both as a
melee weapon and a throwing weapon.
History: Coalguts was named for his dark fur, but at the age of three seasons he proved that the
name was suited for him not only in appearance but in personality. While
wandering around in the kitchens one day, he found some hotroot that were to be
used in a feast for some otters that had visited Salamandastron. Intrigued by
the pleasant smell, Coalguts down the plate all at once...and literally spat out
hot flame. After everyone had made sure he was alive and well, he was allowed to
stay at the feast, and sat among the otters, who kept feeding him hotroot until
the Badger Lord stopped them, saying that he would die at this rate.
Coalguts has grown stronger ever since, and retains his love for hotroot. He
joined the Long Patrol beside Flashpaw, and the two are best friends.
Appearance: Coalguts's fur is black, with bright blue eyes and a scar on one
cheek. He wears a shirt made of pike skin, and carries his short spear
everywhere he goes. He wears a green bandanna that keeps his ears back.
Traits and Personality: Coalguts has a special fondness for hotroot. He despises battle, but stays in the Long
Patrol because it was the wish of his 'dear ould mother'. He also loves singing,
and plays a harolina.

Name: Flashpaw
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Weapons/Special Items: None; fights with his fists
History: Flashpaw is descended from a long line of boxing hares, and wishes to live up to his ancestors (haven't decided on one specific ancestor yet). He joined the Long Patrol at a young age, and has fought in several battles since.
Appearance: Flashpaw's fur is chinchilla-colored. He wears a brown cap with an owl feather in it, and also has a sleeveless, tight-fitting shirt. He wears pants that reach his knees, and goes barefoot.
Traits and Personality: Flashpaw values honor above all else, and would fight to the death if ordered to. He is serious most of the time, but can crack a smile around his friends.

Roodaka Hunter's characters <Accurate as of November, 2007>

Name: Gruffi
Species: Mole
Gender: Male
Weapons/Special Items: Gruffi always carries a small dagger. He can throw it with the accuracy of a hawk. Plus, being a mole, he can deliver quite a blow with his digging claws.
History: Gruffi's grandsires used to live alone, living and foraging for themselves in Mossflower wood. Gruffi's father was killed by vermin when he was small. Being unable to survive abroad in Mossflower alone, he and his mother came to live at Redwall Abbey.
Appearance: An average-sized mole, he favors a blue shirt, the first one he was given when he came to Redwall.
Traits and Personality: Ever since Gruffi witnessed his father's death at the hands of the vermin, he has hated violence. However, he is highly skilled with the use of his dagger, able to throw and stab like lightning. He will only fight if his or a loved one's life is in danger. He is very dependable, and a hard worker.


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