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I am also leaning towards 'no', but I really don't care what gets chosen. If it's not revealed, great. If it is... we can all go sulk in a corner together. :P



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I voted that I couldn't care less, but no would be fine for me too.


From what I read in the topic it seemed all the members I respect voted no, and all the seven year olds voted yes. Even if it does favor yes (and it does) don't look in the topic and remain ignorant. By the time it leaks through a badly coded spoiler, it'll be time for you to know anyway.

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My #1 concern is that it'll be a sucky name -- I mean let's look at the recent names: Axonn, Maxilos, and worst of all, Gadunka. Not very creative or cool-sounding names, there. Granted, there have been some good ones among the bad: Brutaka, Pridak, Dekar, Lesovikk grew on me, Karzahni, and of course the current Toa have the same cool names from Mata Nui.


Still, the titans particularly don't have wonderful names recently, and I'm afraid the Makuta's true name will be far below par among those names. I mean, the name "Makuta" itself already has big shoes to fill.

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Well, they got Anakin. And yet, people still refer to him as Darth Vader... Perhaps we will still refer to him as Makuta, even when we know his real name?
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I voted that I didn't care. While it would be cool to know, provided it actually sounded good, whenever I hear "Makuta" I just think of Makuta himself. But if there's a scene between two Brotherhood members, it makes sense that they would refer to each other by name, so I wouldn't mind it being revealed. But it would have to be dramatic. A dark chamber, two Brotherhood members talking in secret, plotting... That sort of thing. :evilgrin:


Say, maybe they could refer to one another by the place they rule, like people did in older times – like addressing the King of France or Duke of Albany as "France" or "Albany." (Yes, I am thinking of King Lear.) That could get around revealing his name.


I don't so much want his name kept in the dark as I simply don't actively want to know it. If it's revealed, cool, if not, cool as well. I'll still just call him "Makuta" anyway...


(P.S., Takatu – check the entry about Anette... :P )

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True. I could definitely imagine them referring to each other that way.


"Zakaz's Skakdi experiment failed. Are we still hunting him?"

"Never you mind that, Xia. We found Metru Nui's mask, so should we see if he's alive?"

"Yeah, it'll be kind of hard to follow his plan if he's dead, Odina."

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