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The Hows And Whys



Well, if you've been reading the Inuva Thread in S&T, you'll have seen by now that Greg has pretty much shot down the Inuva Theory. Though on the plus side, we learned that the Toa have some part to play in the events of the next few years.


But since the Inuva Theory has been debunked, I suppose that just means it won't be official. It doesn't mean I can't have a little more fun between now and whenever I either burn out on this or finally get the time to write a full fic. (This could actually be a while, since I have to finish The Alliance, and by that time I'll be back in classes) So now that I'm allowed a bit more give, I can finally start to build the mythos behind this new Hero.


From reading the S&T thread, it appears the biggest concern is what the fusion would mean for the future of all involved. I think this can be wrapped up quite easily by reminding those with concern that the fusion was not intended to be permanent. In fact, to inject some urgency into the storyline...it'd be made quite clear that the Inuva would be looking for a means to seperate as soon as their task was completed.


This is why I believe it would serve the story better to have the transformation forced on the Toa, rather than having them willingly merge. I doubt the Toa would begin to understand the ins and outs of what such a fusion could bring, so they wouldn't want to risk any sorts of danger involved.


So here's a loose premise, which I would like to expand upon at some point...most likely if I make the transition to a fic:


At some point in the storyline, the Inika encounter and overcome the Piraka and Vezon. With their enemies defeated and the MoL securly in tow, the Inika discover the whereabouts of the Toa Nuva. However, upon arriving at that location, they discover the Nuva have been serverly weakened by their encounters with the Piraka.


The Nuva have somehow been drained of most of their Toa Energy, leaving them on the brink of death. Knowing it is the Nuva alone who can awaken Mata-Nui, the Inika decide that something must be done.


It is decided that the two teams must join. Once together in a single body, the Nuva will be able to essentialy live within the Inika. It is the hope of Jaller and co. that the Nuva will be able to essentially recharge their Energy while inside the Inika. (How? you ask.... It'd most likely be based around the unique consequences involving the creation of the Inika)


Using the Vezon's Staff, the two teams perform the merger, and the resulting being is dubbed the "Inuva." However, they immediately realize some of the consequences.


Now, pause for a moment. You're actually witnessing the gears in my head turning as you read this. If you remember, I began the entry stating I would prefer the merger be forced upon the Toa. However, as I have progressed, I have created a plausible origin for the Inuva in which they willingly come into creation.


Cool eh? Now, back to the entry...


For starters, their Kanohi appear to be inactive. Most likely due to the initial conflicts between powers, the Inuva are unable to determine which powers they have, and therefore are unable to call upon these powers initially. Also, some of the Inuva have difficulties coming to terms with their dual personalities. This leads to difficulties functioining. A few of the more differeing personas (Jaller/Tahu) start out nearly unable to move due to this difficulty. To give them a means of easing into the transition, one merge (Hahli/Gali most likely) would blend within a short time of the merger. She would serve as a guide to the rest and their varying degrees of compatibility.


To add some dramatic twists to the story, the Staff would become inoperable through the course of their journeys. Either because it is drained of it's power (since it no longer is being held by Vezon), or because it is destroyed at some point in the story.


Furthermore, as the Inuva traveled towards their goal...something would begin to happen. It would begin with Gali/Hahli (since she/they blended the fastest). A small voice would be slowly begin to come forward in their collective consiousness. This voice would be quite adament, and often incredibly different from either being in the merger.


Through time, it would come to be known that these new voices belonged to a third persona...an unforseen side-effect of the merger. This third persona would slowly begin to come to the forefront, leaving the other two either fading or battling for control. It would also become clearer over time that these personas would have one primary goal: To protect their own existence, and prevent the Toa from splitting.


Also, the risks involved with the fusion could include a more domineering Toa slowly taking over the other. The risks of long term fusion could also mean the erasure of one of the Toa completely, thus throwing the collective destinies of the two teams into chaos.


I hope that's a good explanation of the origins of the Inuva. As I said eariler, there's still stuff being tweaked and altered as the theory rolls around in my head. And as you can see from this entry itself, the theory is still in flux enough to change in mid creation.


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I thought of an idea for their quest, other than the

external enemy. To revert themselves back to two

beings, they could seek out Keetongu. I'm not sure if

his powers would be able to seperate them :???: , but

they have already heard the stories from Vakama, so

it is possible. That's my idea, but it's nothing compared

to your stuff. Also, would you mind getting some sketches

of the Inuva, or some Hybrid Kanohi abilities/sketches.

Stories like this always catch my interest, and get me started

with my own ideas. :wacko: Wow, that's a mouthful.

I salute you and your great ideas. :usa:

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I was actually thinking that instead of searching out Keetongu, the person they'd be hunting down would be the being responsible for the creation of Vezon's staff. It'd be a similar story to Keetongu on face value, but since I'm not familiar with the origins of Keetongu, I'm sure I could create a different type of character than the guy who healed the Hordika.


Though, I suppose after all these years...it'd be interesting to see if Keetongu's still around, and what he's up to.


As far as drawings of the various elements of the Inuva, I'm not the best artist. So any sketches would be just that...rough. I'm right now in the creation phase, so all I have are theories and concepts. I've begun thinking about names and abilities however. So the next step after that would be physical images.

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OK, I'm really excited to see a stroy for this and where this is going. The bionicle storyboard team should hire you.

Be sure to make it believable that this is an alternate story that could have happened if the actual story didn't (seeing how this will probably be wirtten by the time we know next year's story plan)


this is great, and I have some ideas. But I really like it and this isn't putting anything of yours down:

willingly fuse

Perhaps the Nuva would be unconsious, or too out of it to really understand what is going on. They could have no say in fusing.

But the Inika would know the Nuva's state and come up with the idea. After a couple of discussions/arguments, thay decide to fuse. (make sure they each stand in front of their respective other elemental toa...jaller-tahu)

And after the fuse, the Nuva (especially Tahu) would be extremely ticked off because they didn't have a say.

perhaps all the inika are holding the staff, or touching it and someone thinks the final command. Or Axonn does the fusing.

There's somthing: convincing Axonn it's a good idea and making him fuse them. And if he doesn't think it's a good idea, he could cause the first trouble in his toughts to fuse. Or snap the staff in half, seeing as how you might want it inactive eventually.



Active or inactive? That is the question. I feel a Toa is incomplete without a Kanohi. So I propose they can use something.

My idea: Inactive at first, but they slowly come out (perhaps once that third voice pops up for each toa)

Their Kanohi can be like two powers, at the same time. (huh?) Like Tahu/Jaller can be protected, like strong armor, but it doesn't create a bubble for them or everybody else. But they can dodge. Or Matoro/Kopaka can only see through things if a ghost.

Anyway, I say keep the Kanohi, and use them eventually.


Another idea: whoever seems to be in control the time can use their Kanohi. If Pohatu is controlling his body at the time, Hewkii has to sit back while Pohatu runs around everywhere. But if Hewkii is in control, he can always hit his target. This would make the two work together and sometimes have to give the other control.


small, third voice

The Toa would have to fight that third voice back. And perhaps it would show up and take control at first. Especially when it first comes out, it would just push the other two aside in the mind because they had no idea it was coming.

Ever read the Animorph book series? No? Ok, I'll explain where I'm going with this:

There are these aliens that creep into your brain and take you over. It is almost impossible to fight for control of your body. So, bionicle wise...

This Third voice could take over, and it would take the other two big efforts to fight it back behind them. this would cause the two to work together, which would cause troubles for a faster merge.

In any case of the merge, don't have them go insane. It's been done before with the hordika.



they shouldn't seek him. The way I see it, he can only heal visorak venom. And it looks like you aren't creative enough to make a new character if you use him, so stay away, you can do better.



Tell people they can make their own version of the Toa Inuva. Just something to MOC themselves. Or draw up. I too am a bad artist, pretty much making any bionicle look like front view, set like, but half as bad.

IMO, they should have Nuva Masks peice wise, and the art should be a fusion of the two. They could have the new and old colors, or maybe each would switch depending on the character in charge of the body at the time.

Jointed legs are always good, but I have always liked the original toa foot. Bodies would probably have to be new, but I also like the original toa bodies. We'll just see what MOCers make (which includes me)

But if you're going to make a set of guidelines of which to have them look, think about what gives Toa that Bionicle powerful look.

(although I know you haven't given much thought, it's a start)


that's my two cents, times a few.

please finish up that other epic, which you should give the link for here, and start on this, because pretty much the story shouldn't go to anyone but you. Although if you want help...consider the S&T contest #2 winners. (you though I was saying my self at first weren't you? Actually, I wouldn't mind helping either.)



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Thanks for the suggestions, I went back and read a few character bios and actually have assembled a fairly plausible story for why the Nuva would be in a weakened condition...and at the same time am slowly developing who the villian would be.


I'm not quite sure how I'd delve into the origins of the Spear of Fusion. But I have a feeling I should do that soon before it gets covered by the story team.


What made writing Te Mutunga so fun was that it was written before much was known about the characters and the history of the universe. So I had a lot of wiggle room.


As it is now, there is a LOT I don't quite get about Bionicle's past. I lost touch during the Metru-Nui flashbacks, so I'm concerned that I'll have some problematic character and continuity issues.


So any fic is going to have to tread lightly.

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