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Bot-W for Lol yesterday. Awesome. I didn't even see it xD


So, as a reward, you all get free poisoned cookies. It saves me from giving you rewards in the future. :D


So, have you noticed I like the word so? So, so, so. Sounds like "sew". It looks like "mew". Wasn't Mew a Pokemon character? Blagh. I hate Pikachu. He sounds like he's a mountain that sneezes.




Anyway. There's no point to that. So, keep your insanity to a maximum and your...um...bad stuff to a minimum. :P


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Hey, my cookie isn't poisoned. I'm angry now! Wait... let me say that again... I Have Fury! :P


Those Pikachu things are evil... evil! They tried to eat me one time...



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Pikachu is good for your soul! Couldn't you just hug him?

I'd rather look at noob comics *shudders*


...nevermind, I read Exo's XP

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Pikachu are dangerous to your health.


*throws Pikachu off cliff*


Mew's awesome, though. Who wouldn't want a flying pink cat with great big anime eyes that could knock you dead with a psychic blast?



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mewtwo's better. a large grey-purple flying cat with evil anime eyes that can knock two people dead with a psychic blast.

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*as Lyg is about to destroy Exo, he suddenly gets distracted by his own tail and spends the next hour trying to eat it*

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All who oppose Pikachu shall die.*transforms into true self*Me: Pika...CHEUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!Exo: 0_o So he was a Pikachu. Oh, mommy.*I trip on a Thunder Stone and evolve into Raichu*Me: Rai-rai!!!!Note: This next scene has been removed because of it's graphic nature.

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*as Lyg is about to destroy Exo, he suddenly gets distracted by his own tail and spends the next hour trying to eat it*

I choose you Lugia!!


*uses Ultra Beam or whatever to make Exo die!!!!*



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*suddenly, as the lugia is about to destroy exo, it realizes that it is actually a two inch by four inch card, and vanishes in a puff of logic*

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