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My Really True Story..



Well, I was walking home from school just as I normally do whisteling a happy tune and then guess who comes round the corner... The shadowed one, he told me that Voporak had quite a nasty cold and couldent hunt the vahi for at least a week and Ancient was getting lonely. So before I could say anything or ask for his autograph he whisked me of to Destral to meet the brotherhood of makuta. I was in the waiting room when I was told I could come in now, I soon realised that they were going to do experiments on me! They wanted me to replace Voporak! I tried to run but someone fired a paralising beam of some sort, soon everything around me was a blur then everything went black...When I woke up I was bigger, I felt stronger..Alot stronger and I could feel these vibrations and rifts, Like nothing I have ever felt before, it must have been time waves. The grass around my feet shriveld up and turned to dust, It was amazing! I turn't round and surprise, surprise there was ancient giving me a lopsided confused look. After we had our own share of staring at eachother he started to talk with his mighty ancient voice, 'Well then, You might look strange but if the shadowed one choose ya I suppose you'll do'. I was still in shock from what happened and couldent make myself speak. Ancient grunted and started to walk east. I supposed that I should follow and did a quick jog to catch up. Then Ancient stopped, made a sound like an engine stopping and said 'Why are you following me, your the one that can Feel rifts in time, Which way do we go? I stuttered, I diddent know, I hadden't learn't how to use my time powers yet.


To be continued..


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