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Metric Wrenches 4 Dad!



Because I'm not going to have time to say it tomorrow: Happy (almost) Father's Day to all your dads. Go get him some brand new Metric wrenches, cause he always seems to need those! :)




Oh, and... uh...


I've changed my avatar temporarily.






It portrays my family's life on Sundays. It also portrays our life tomorrow (thus the reason why will not be here).


Ah, the craziness of a PK's week. Gotta love it. :P




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...Metric?...like... Meters?





*runs around in little circles singing random odes to the metric system and its superiority to the Imperial*




Yeah, metric. The Metric system.




What is a Metric wrench, though? XDXDXD


Regardless, have a good weekend. :D



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Metric wrenches are wrenches that go by the Metric system of measurement for the diameter of the top... grip-thing, rather than our silly ol' American 'inches'. :P


For some reason, I always find my dad asking for the Metric wrenches during Father's Day. XD



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Ah. Wrenches. Ah. See, I don't know the difference between a wrench and a spanner (is there a difference? XD). Not a worksman, me.


My Dad is home for Father's Day, for a change. Dunno if we're gonna do anything special, though.


IPB Image

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What's a spanner?


Anyway, we just got our dad a Barnes & Noble gift card -- at least that way, we KNOW he'll use it.


And I love your avatar, Nikira. It is AWESOME.

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What's a spanner?


Anyway, we just got our dad a Barnes & Noble gift card -- at least that way, we KNOW he'll use it.


And I love your avatar, Nikira. It is AWESOME.


It's a wrench. No difference.


We actually didn't get my dad wrenches after all. :ohmy: He actually asked for something different, and I din't really know until recently. >>


So yeah, we got him the CARS and PoTC 3 soundtracks. He wubs them. =D


We also got some more Tigger stuff for his office, but he doesn't know yet. Shh.


Thankees. Google is a wonderful thing. ^^



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They're the same? Shows what I know. XD


The POTC 3 Soundtrack -rocks-, no questions asked. XD And Tigger? A friend of mine once nicknamed me Tigger. I dunno why.



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I love #5 - Up is Down. 8D


My dad collects Tigger stuff. Always has. He's such a lovable character, Tigger is. ^^



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