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The Toa Nuva



Well, just about every one of us know that the Toa Nuva are returning to sets in the future. People are rejoicing all around the world. But what about when the Toa Nuva come back to our beloved universe?


What I'm trying to say in a long, drawn out type of way that when the Toa Nuva come back, they won't be the Toa Nuva. People will complain, yell, leave Bionicle, and worst of all make those 'Bionicle is dying, yo!' topics just because they don't like the sets/storyline/etc.



Why can't people just learn to accept what they are dished? Selfishness I suppose... Okay, I'm done, you can leave if you haven't already. :P


*Talking to self* But, Po, by thinking of this, you are being selfish. You are just complaining about how other's react and how you don't like their topics. Uhm...


Another strange thought. GregF said

98% of the people buying sets were 1 or 2 years old in 2001
Which means that I am part of the two percent that buys sets above the age of eight. Strange. And somewhat isolating. What do you think about that quote?


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I agree with Makani, that is absurd! I mean I was seven at the time! :lol:


I think Greg's referring to people who weren't fans when it started. I can pretty much guarantee that there aren't too many people under age 8 who use this site, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.


- :vahi:

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