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Kids Say The Darndest Things



They do. Seriously.


My sister graduated from daycare yesterday, and they had a really cute ceremony with all the graduates singing and putting on plays and even getting little diplomas, and naturally there were plenty of hilarious little preschooler antics.


But first, an anecdote from even before that.


Young children have the ability to be amazingly honest and amazingly unflattering. We were having lunch (or dinner, I forget) the other day, and I was sitting next to my sister, so I purposely let something hang out of my mouth while I was eating it and she laughs and says "You have a moustache!" I eat whatever it was I was eating, and I say "I have a real one too." And she's like "Where? The little fuzzy thing?" to which I reply, "Yes, the little fuzzy thing."


Then she turns around, points, and says "Mommy has a moustache too!"


I think I died laughing. Of course I didn't since I'm here typing this, but you get the picture.


Anyway, the graduation. So many adorable little antics. Like the differences in the children's personalities. Some would gladly get up onstage in front of an audience, be it their family or a crowd of a thousand, and sing at the top of their lungs and off key. Some, like my sister, never object when they're in the back of the group and try to be as unobtrusive as possible. You really wouldn't think it, considering how loud she is at home, but my sister is actually relatively shy in those kinds of situations.


So then we have kids who will try to talk to their parents in the audience. One kid my sister was friends with kept shouting "Mama! Mama!" and waving, sorta like a guy going in front of the camera and saying "Hi, Mom!" Then there was one kid who's going to grow up to be some orator, I mean he's a kindergartener (the daycare also has a kindergarten, but my sister's going to a public school kindergarten) and he's giving his little speech talking about the journey of his life, and how he's stepping into a new chapter, and he's SIX, you know? It's just so funny hearing that philosophical stuff from such a young kid. And of course there are the kids who try to overpower the other ones while they're singing the songs, and are positively screaming the verses, until one of the teachers goes behind them, taps them on the shoulder, and indicates that they should be a bit quieter.


Then, it was really cute but kinda sad afterwards, this one kid, after a performance, goes "Mommy can you pick me up now?" and everyone laughs, so he covers his ears and says "Nooooo don't do that!" and starts crying. Okay, everyone go "Awwwww..."


Oh, and then there was the play "The Shoemaker and the Elves," y'oughta know the story, and the kid playing the shoemaker really took his role seriously. He was supposed to see the shoes and go "Wow!" right? Well, he said "wow" REALLY loud, but he truly was acting because there wasn't a heckuva lotta enthusiam. It wasn't "wow!" it was just "WOW." And then he goes over to the girl playing the shoemaker's wife and says "come, my dear wife, look!" Just hearing that is hilarious... XD dunno why.


Anyway, the Lyg comic is posted. I'll shortly be adding it to the sidebar of this blog. ^^


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Interesting. I never got to graduate from Pre-school! Heck... I never graduated from elementary... Lets just hope it goes well for High School! :blink:
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Guest Phyoohrii


No wonder animals children are created for our entertainment. That first anecdote, priceless.


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I think I died laughing. Of course I didn't since I'm here typing this, but you get the picture.

I tell yah, I come to this blog just for stuff like this. :lol:




You has a 'stache?!


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