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I Know My Abcs



Well, I was over at my cousin's house all day. It was pretty fun, until we basically just played football the whole time. XP (it's cool to be on a good defense with a not-so-good offense >=D)


We went to a restaurant for lunch, and took my 4 year old cousin too, who while we were eating, decided she needed to let the world know that she was a genius :) She started singing the ABCs song. Freakin hilarious XDXDXD Well, she started crying because basically everyone at the restaurant was laughing at her, so the waitress gave her a cookie. I wanted a cookie too!!! :angry:


So, that basically raps up my day. Oh yeah, I got the new lego mag (Brickmaster), with a letter from Greg! :happydance: I feel so...special *sniff*


EDIT: Lol, I think everyone who gets Brickmaster gets one :P I just put it in there as like "omg a lettr frm geg u r luky" XP


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Eh ok... That was random. Really. XD


Don't worry Spitty, remember that your mask lets cookies appear out of thin air :)


New magazine, eh... *Sneaks into Spitty's house*

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I almost did cry, but that would be ... sorta weird :P


I know, my mask is Kanohi Cookie - Mask of Cookies and Other Delicious Yummies :)



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I know, my mask is Kanohi Cookie - Mask of Cookies and Other Delicious Yummies :)



Kanohi Cookie? Eh? :P Couldn't you come up with a better name, like... Kanohi Eikooc? XD

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But nobody comments on the really important thing -- the letter from Greg. :P Did you ask a question or something? Because you're really lucky... I think... I dunno. Do people get letters answered by Greg all the time? :blink:

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Started singing the ABCs... sounds like something my sister would do.


Which reminds me of something funny. I'm drinking a can of Sprite, and suddenly I burp really loud and long, and my sister giggles and goes "Eeeeew!" and I say "Yeah, that was the soda." and she replies "No, it was you!"

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But nobody comments on the really important thing -- the letter from Greg. :P Did you ask a question or something? Because you're really lucky... I think... I dunno. Do people get letters answered by Greg all the time? :blink:

Lol, Onuki, read the edited thingeh :P


@Mobius: XD

@TS: Yeah, it's still that mask, I was just being...random :P

@Lyger: Lol, that's awesome :P

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