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Obbession For Potc Could Get No Worse....could It?

Lady Kopaka


Goodness gracious, only two days left for VBS! Its been cool, but very hard work. Today I had to cut/tape, etc for beads tommorow, the roll IS HUGE, and I have to do it all. >< I wil have to finish it tommorow.


Good news, might be getting to go back to see PotC:DMC around next week, as my sister is comming back from Afirca and comming to stay for a week! It'll be nice to see her, I haven't seen Rebbecca in over a year. And since it was recently her birthday, we might go see the movie if she is interested...Or of course I could just take my brother by myself. (Someone would have to drop me off of course)


I bet some of you have noticed I be doing more pirate speak and maybe you have already guessed my favorite character? :lol:


I found part of the 3rd movies script, not sure if its officail or the final one, but if true, the 3rd movie is very promising. Just...A little more far fetched than the others.


Well I need to go brush my hair and whatnot, we have to leave for a church thing.




(BTW, does anyone know the last lines said in the movie of the 2nd? I am pretty sure *Cough* said them, but forgot 'em)


PS: Art Project going along good, had a little trouble with some things earlier, but now all seems fair in the seas. I am almost done with the sketch, now I need to ink and color.....Need to figure out what type of medium to color it with though....


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The last line is: *drumroll* "So tell me, what's become of my ship?"


I'm so glad you-know-who's back!




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Guest Ultimategamemaster


Yeah, A-S-S-O-B-R-A-B (spell it backwards) was my favorite character last movie. Definitly gald he made a comback.


"So, whats come of my ship while I've been away?"

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Haha, I went to that at midnight. IN COSTUME DANGIT. My friends were all going, and I always need an excuse to dress up in a rediculously revealing pirate outfit. It's great. Because I never have to argue with my parents about my clothing being too revealing, I didn't get so much as a peep out of them when I told them I would wear a shirt that shows off my entire belly. HAHA. It was great times man. That was a swell movie man. A swell movie indeed. In other news, brushing hair is why I keep mine short. I don't brush. I style.

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The last line is: *drumroll* "So tell me, what's become of my ship?"


I'm so glad you-know-who's back!

Thanks, I remembered it after a moment of posting that.


And what an awesome line it is. Which is why it's in my sig.

Gah it isn't fair mate! I was claiming that as my sig line. >>


Haha, I went to that at midnight. IN COSTUME DANGIT. My friends were all going, and I always need an excuse to dress up in a rediculously revealing pirate outfit. It's great. Because I never have to argue with my parents about my clothing being too revealing, I didn't get so much as a peep out of them when I told them I would wear a shirt that shows off my entire belly. HAHA. It was great times man. That was a swell movie man. A swell movie indeed. In other news, brushing hair is why I keep mine short. I don't brush. I style.

My friend and I plan to go see the 3rd movie dressed up, probably not at midnight, but atleast dress up. She claims Jack and I got *Cough*. :3


Oh yeah, I know his first name. ^^ Its so sweet.

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